Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
Yoga: 7am
Pilates Happy Hour: 6:00pm CANCELLED!!!
Kids: 4:30pm
CFSBK Town Hall 7:30pm
CFSBK Town Hall tonight!! Use the zoom room link above to join. We’ll go for about an hour!
Established 2007
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Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
Yoga: 7am
Pilates Happy Hour: 6:00pm CANCELLED!!!
Kids: 4:30pm
CFSBK Town Hall 7:30pm
CFSBK Town Hall tonight!! Use the zoom room link above to join. We’ll go for about an hour!
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Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6p
Warm Up
12 Alt Downward Dog Calf Marches
6ea Crossbody RDL
6 Bodysaws
A1. Single Arm Sumo Deadlift
3 x 5 – 15 Reps
A2. Single Arm Z Press
3 x 5 – 15 Reps
Perform the following 3 Tabata intervals with no rest between movements. Each tabata interval is :20 of work followed by :10 of rest repeated 8x. You’ll perform all 8 intervals of the deadbugs, then move right on to the 8 rounds of the swings and so on.
Interval 1: Kettlebell Deadbugs
Interval 2: KB/DB Swings
Interval 3: Goblet Wall Sit w/Pulse
Front Desker Cam C about to squat heavy at the 2018 Iron Maiden’s Raw Open
This Thursday night we’re hosting a Town Hall at 7:30pm to give the community an update on our reopening plans, discuss our Covid safety strategy and answer questions. If you were at any of our prior focus groups you can expect a similar format with updated plans. We expect it to take around an hour.
Hygiene Theater Is a Huge Waste of Time The Atlantic
Interesting article from the Atlantic about the growing body of evidence demonstrating that coronoavirus does not effectively transmit through shared surfaces as we thought it might. Don’t worry we still plan on wiping things down, but knowledge is power!
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CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am
Kids: 4:30pm
Fit55 @ Home: 11am Fit55 Zoom Room (Password: fit55)
Fit55 Workout Description
Warm – Up
:20 Superman Hold
12 Alt Quadruped Shoulder Taps
6ea SA Kettlebell Swings
RDL + Power Clean + Forward Lunge
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
12:00 EMOM
A. 12 Alt Cossack Squats
B. :40 Forearm Plank
C. :30 Low Box Runners
D. 12 Hip Thrusts
Mary tossing out all her original 2020 plans
Guidance for New York gyms coming sooner rather than later, per Lt. Governor mytwintiers
A little bit of a deceptive title in our opinion. It just says that the reason they kept gyms closed is because they saw spikes in other states that had opened or reopened too quickly and they want to avoid having to shut businesses back down. No real timelines, specific or general were mentioned otherwise. We’re hoping the guidelines come out sooner than later.
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CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Yoga: 10am
Teens/Preteens: 4:30pm
Extended Warm-Up
12:00 EZ Pace
12 Alt Bird Dogs
6 Inchworms w/Shoulder Taps
12 Air Squats
6 Yoga Push-Ups
1:00 Jumping Jills
As many reps as possible in 20 mins of:
10 Burpees
20 Alt DB Snatches
Oumou doing a Filly Press in the “before times”
This Thursday night we’re hosting a Town Hall at 7:30pm to give the community an update on our reopening plans, discuss our Covid safety strategy and answer questions. If you were at any of our prior focus groups you can expect a similar format with updated plans. We expect it to take around an hour.
Wei-Ling Chen Squats an incredible 210kg/462lbs at the 47kg/103lb weight class.
Especially impressive after the two issues with their walk outs.
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CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
Active Recovery: 10am
This week’s Sunday video is a flashback to 2013 when we hosted the 13.2 CrossFit Open Announcement and workout between Annie Thorisdottir and Lindsey Valenzuela. This was really exciting for us at the time and really helped put our gym on the map globally. Simpler times!
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Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 10am
Warm Up
6 Wall Angels
12 Alt Cossack Squats
6 Reverse Yoga Push-Ups
A1. Pistols (or Shrimp Squats)
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
A2. Push-Ups
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
*Scale the Push-Ups as appropriate. Add a tempo, reps
or weight to increase the level of difficulty.
4 Rounds (:40 Work / :20 Rest)
A. Bear Plank Drag Through
B. Goblet Squat Hold
C. Lateral Burpee Over Object
D. Lying Leg Raises
CFSBKer and Beyond the Whiteboard staffer Toni S
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CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am
Fit55 @ Home: 11am Fit55 Zoom Room (Password: fit55)
Fit55 Workout Description
Warm Up
12 Alt Bird Dogs
12 Alt Downward Dog Calf Marches
6 Burpees
A1. Single Arm Sumo Deadlift
3 x 5 – 15 Reps
A2. Single Arm Z Press
3 x 5 – 15 Reps
AMRAP 12:00
10ea Suitcase Single Arm Deadlifts
10 V-Ups
20 Mountain Climbers
*Count one foot for 20 reps on the Mountain Climbers
597 tape layout. Each station in both gyms will have their own bench, rack, Gomat and cleaning kit.
Save the date! Next Thursday, August 6th at 7:30pm we’re going to host a live Town Hall on zoom where we’ll discuss our reopening plans, answer questions and give you some updates on whats we know. Hope to see you there!
This Is HRV: A Deep Dive Into The Most Important Metric For Health, Fitness, And Performance The Ready State
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Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
Yoga: 7am
Pilates Happy Hour: 6:00pm
Kids: 4:30pm
Bethany and Allan joined CFSBK back in March of 2008. Over the past twelve years they have been staples of our community that started out as friends and gradually became a family of five. Their boys, Alex and Oscar have been involved with our kids programs since they were three and we’re sure Isla will make a fine weight lifter when her time comes too. Recently the Erskine’s let us know that they’re moving to New Jersey this August which is amazing (devastating). I know everyone who’s been fortunate enough to interact with Bethany, Allan and their family over all these years knows what wonderful people they are and we can’t thank them enough for all the hard work, community spirit, positive energy and love they’ve interjected into CFSBK since 2008. Few people have seen as much of our gym’s evolution as they have and its certainly the end of an era saying goodbye. They will be very missed but regardless of zip code, once a CFSBKer, ALWAYS a CFSBKer.
Here’s a note from the Erskine’s
Hello friends — this is a short note to say farewell from Allan, Bethany, Alex, Oscar & Isla, aka: the Erskine family. We are moving to Fair Haven, NJ at the end of August.
The CFSBK coaches, friends and community mean the whole world to our family, and are frankly one of the main reasons that we persevered in Brooklyn for so long. It perhaps doesn’t seem strange to say that ‘a gym’ can mean the world to a whole family — surely lots of members feel this way! But back in 2007/8 when we first joined it was a strange sensation to feel the lure of becoming ACTUAL friends with the people you worked out with. Like, back-off bro! Well, too late. In the intervening years, we have been delighted, humbled, you name it, to have the CFSBK community machine assimilate our entire family with near borg-like effectiveness. The consistently great coaching over the years, and watching the gym grow into a globally respected success story has been the best feeling, no matter the small part that we’ve played by ‘just showing up’.
Bethany’s best CFSBK memories: Every Strength Cycle I ever did, Iron Maidens, 6am open gym crew, 10am Saturday Short Circuits, Fight Gone Bad aka “Crossfit Halloween”, being taught by David in 2008 how to run (I have this crystal clear memory of running the block around The Lyceum and him saying “imagine you are holding a pencil in each hand”), that time David had us run backwards over the Carroll Street bridge during group class, “Fitness is Carned” shirts, Diapers and Dumbbells, gym dogs (especially Squid and Penny), Crossfit Kids, all the smiles, hugs, high-fives… the simple pleasure of running into CFSBK members on the street.
Special thanks to Margie and Jeremy for sparking my love of heavy lifts, every single Forever Friend I’ve made at SBK, to Whit for helping me move past years of pain and keeping me healthy and sane during a global pandemic, and to David for everything.
Allan’s favoritest: many Murph days, FGBs, doing two strength cycles and ripping three pairs of skinny Euro-pants in a week, the original Arturo/Noah Anti Gravity classes, the rare occasion when QoD is inexplicably dark “would you rather beaten to death by 6000 infants, or…”, AG strength (aka *finally* gaining the strength to perform movements I should have gotten years ago), CrossFit dogs (you know who you are), whenever Tom started making brisket, the photo feed, potlucks, sweating, making tractor tire playpens for kids.
Suffice to say, we love you guys. And for all this dramatic finality, we’ll still be dropping by whenever we can. Likewise if anyone is round or about the New Jersey peninsula and wants to give us a shout, please do! TIME!
Here’s a small album of some of their favorite CFSBK memories. <3
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Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6p
Warm – Up
6ea Worlds Greatest Stretch
6ea Cone Touches
6ea SA Kettlebell Swings
RDL + Power Clean + Forward Lunge
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
15:00 Aerobic Pace
12 Alt DB Snatches
6 No Push-Up Burpees
12 Russian Twists
3 – 6 Wall Walks (or 20 Pike Shoulder Taps)
CFSBK July 4th 2009. The Lyceum used to get HOT during the summer. A couple years after we left the Lyceum, it was purchased by Related and turned into the Blink Fitness on 4th ave between Carroll and President. We can confirm that it does not look this badass anymore.
Your Coronavirus Antibodies Are Disappearing. Should You Care? NYT
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CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am
Kids: 4:30pm
Fit55 @ Home: 11am Fit55 Zoom Room (Password: fit55)
Fit55 Workout Description
Perform the following 6 Tabata intervals with 1:00 of rest between movements. Each tabata interval is :20 of work followed by :10 of rest repeated 8x. You’ll perform all 8 intervals of the push-ups, rest 1:00 then move on to the following exercises in the same fashion. Score your total reps.
Interval 1: Push-Ups
Interval 2: Gate Swings
Interval 3: Side Plank (Alternate rounds between right and left)
Interval 4: American Kettlebell Swings
Interval 5: Handstand Push-Ups or SA DB Push Press (Alternate arms per round)
Interval 6: Reverse Plank Bridge
Charles C 2017
I can not over-emphasize the impact of mental health support on my own life and want to provide at least some of that opportunity to black women and girls. I’ve lined up a match for $6,000 if we can raise an additional $6,000 that will be 100 sessions for black women and girls. More details about the Loveland Foundation’s efforts can be found here. Please join me in this by donating any amount you can. Thank you!
Donate here: Providing Mental Health Services for Black Women and Girls