CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Teens/Preteens: 4:30pm
Today’s Programming
DL: No touch and go reps. Get about 3 warm-up and 4 work sets in, which can be across or progressive. Try to go a little heavier than last week’s deadlifts if you performed that programming.
18:00 / 4 + Sets:
6-8 Chin-Ups
8-10e FFE Goblet Reverse Lunges
12-16 Barbell Shrugs
Chins: 6-8 / 4-6 / Banded / Self Assisted
FFERL: Use a 45lb plate to stand on and a DB or KB for loading. Go Heavy.
Shrug: 1↑-1-1↓-1 tempo. If you’re not sure where to start, start with your first deadlift warm-up weight and move up from there.
CFSBK @ Home
Workout of the Day
Every 3:00 perform the following exercises for 10 sets in total:
10 Goblet Yoyo Squats
5-10ea DB Bent Over Rows
10 V-Ups
5 Burpees
Rhys wishes you a safe and responsible holiday. Wear your mask and enjoy the weather!
Thank you to all the CFSBK employees who work so hard to make our business exist in the first place!
The fate of aging, undocumented day laborers in the United States