Clean and Jerk Complex
Every Other Minute x 8:
Power Clean + High Hang Clean + Push Press + Power Jerk
Every Other Minute x 8:
Power Clean + High Hang Clean + Power Jerk + Jerk
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
Fight Gone Bad Style
3 Rounds for Reps:
1 Minute Power Clean 115/80
1 Minute Box Jumps 24/20″
1 Minute Row (for calories)
1 Minute Rest
The weights/heights should be relatively easy for you, such that you’ll break the minute up into a few sets of 5-15 reps.
Post total reps and Rx to comments.
CrossFit at 30 Weeks Pregnant
By Melissa Loranger
As I creep through the third trimester and approach D-day, I’m thankful that I can still do what I love and have a healthy and safe outlet for stress. The loads may be lighter and the intensity may be lower (let’s not even talk about bar path!), but with a little modification and motivation, my goal has been to stay healthy and active throughout my pregnancy for my baby.
I’m currently 34 weeks pregnant with 6 weeks to go! I’ve been able to continue participating in and coaching group classes, but have had to be creative and sensible when it comes to scaling. Above is a video of me working out at 30 weeks, incorporating some of the modifications that I’ve found helpful. I prefer rowing to running and have found the Assault Bike to be the most “comfortable” mono-structural option. My belly is at the point where keeping the bar close isn’t really an option, so Dumbbell Cleans and Snatches as opposed to barbell versions of these lifts are usually better options for me. Luckily, I’ve also been able to continue doing Burpees! I use dumbbells to elevate myself off the floor slightly to protect my growing baby. I could also elevate using paralettes, or a barbell in a rack. Walking the Burpees in instead of jumping is another option. CrossFit is indeed, as they say, infinitely scalable.
In terms of intensity, being mindful of my heartrate and respiratory rate as well as how my body is responding to the exercise has been key. Taking adequate rest, hydrating, and ensuring that I can have a conversation throughout the workout are other considerations. If you notice me taking a break and cheering others on mid-WOD, that’s why.
Now is a time to focus on technique, maintaining my fitness, and enjoying the community. For me, this is not the time for PR’s or ego (I’ll leave that to Alex… for now…). And while at times, watching others, I miss the feeling of an all-out 110% effort, I’m also enjoying taking a step back. I appreciate being able to just show up to the gym and get some work done.
I’ve received excellent suggestions from other women at the gym who have continued CrossFit while pregnant, and I hope to offer some helpful recommendations based on my experience to others. Please feel free to pull me aside or e-mail me (Melissa [at] if you have any questions.
News and Notes
- There are just 2 DAYS left to register for Fight Gone Bad 2016. Want to do a fun workout with your friends and raise money for a great cause? Sign up now!
- Schedule change: Today’s 9:00am Yoga class with Jaclyn K. is cancelled.
- Please note: There will be no parking at all on Degraw Street through Saturday of this week.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Front Squat / Back Squat | Wall Balls, DB Snatches
4 Grip-Strength Exercises Borrowed from Rock Climbers BarBend
Fighting Back Against Parkinson’s Pacific Standard
yay Melissa!!!! Fittest Mom on earth. Can't wait to meet your strong little lady!
6am with Melo and McDowell
C&J complex perf 165# 7 sets 175# for the last. I stayed light today, lots of work needed on the jerk.
FGB style WOD – 159 reps
A not so subtle reminder of what's coming next month.
Melo, you're my inspiration and motivation for continuing Crossfit through this journey! You ROCK! Thanks for posting to the blog, I'll be following the tips for sure! Agreed K HarpZ, looking forward to meeting Melo's bundle of joy 🙂
7am with MelDowell
Perf C+J Complex – up to 75kg
Cleans were great. Split jerks were good. Push jerks still 50/50 on. Focusing on keeping the belly tight seems to help with these.
Metcon Rx – 130 reps
Tried my hardest (unknowingly) to ef up the rep v rest scheme so I had as little time as possible at each station. Thanks to Juan and Scott for putting up with my idiocy.
C&J complex; 5 rounds @ 60kg, 3 rounds @ 70kg. Kept it real light.
Metcon: 167 reps. Averaged 13 reps on cleans, 25 reps on box jumps and 17 erg.
6am with MeLowell
C&J Complex – 135×2, 145×3, 155×3
On a positive my high hang clean is going from pathetic to not so good
WOD: 127 reps. Averaged same as BK except he was doing 2 box jumps for my every one.
The QOD made much more sense when Natalie confirmed it was who would you dine alone with. Thought all these 6amers want to die alone with some weird people.
Been thinking a lot about squatting today. I took the FRC seminar in the spring and really enjoyed the material. LOTS OF LIGHTBULBS FLICKERING IN THE OLD NOGGIN. Thought I'd share this article as it pertains to why it's important to explore accessory movements for squatting. You must challenge the joints/tissue for all types of stress/movement demands to decrease the risk of injury. Keep in mind these positions are a bit advanced, but like all other things, it is always scalable : )
MeLo, you're awesome.
Melo rools! i am thankful for the sympathy gainz I have made over the last 8 months ….
Yayyy Melo!!!!
Melo, you rock! Total inspiration.
Melissa – so great. J-Star – so funny!
I got to Crossfit Team today with Charles, Gerry and Micheline (known on the circuit as All Good Fellows and Maybe Scott). I can safely speak for the team – we had lots of fun. Thanks very, very, very much Joy for judging aka herding cats.
We did workout 2 – 100 single unders, 25 sit ups, 25 dead lifts (155m/105w); then 50 box step overs. I thought those dead lifts would be lighter and had a hard time catching any rhythm on the box. All in all, it seems like a good time, even without context: 20:27.
Then, a sort of partner within a team medley:
The men: 5 min partner row (trading off); followed by max reps shoulder to overhead (75 lb) at which time Mich and I took over the erg for 5 mins followed by our 5 mins of shoulder to overhead (55 lbs). 376 was our total calories plus push presses.
This made me look all the more forward to FGB. Woot.
Oh hey, we go again Sunday at 6 pm and need a judge if someone is around and willing.
Meliscious is a monster, and another great CFSBK role model for how to stay fit during pregnancy. Great video!
4:30 class
C&J Complex
Felt pretty good. Had one off balance Power Jerk at 220 and backed off.
Metcon Rx'd
Miserable. Total sandbag day.
PC: 15-15-15
BJ: 10-10-10
C2: 10-10-12
Stopped well short of a minute on each movement. "One" old fashioned at lunch didn't help at all.
Melo = rock star always!
Wanted to do some prep for the Team Series this weekend, so modified the complex slightly to be 2 hang power cleans + power jerk + jerk. Stared at 113 for the EMOM, I think, and did this though the first half up until 133. Then switched over to just the 2 hang power cleans up through 143. Managed a single at 148 on my last attempt, but that definitely knocked the wind out of me.
WOD: 177 Reps. Played around with the step up-jump down for the box jumps (FGB strategizing already).
Some Flex on the Beach prep after with the team, which mainly consisted on watching Joe and Ben throw around lots of heavy weight.
Great video by Melo – love it!
Fitness C&J Complex – worked up to 93# a few times, need to be more aggressive on the push press
WOD 75# – 128 Total
14 power cleans per round
10 cals consistent
Mix of BJ and step ups – just wanted to keep moving at steady pace
I got that FGB fever!!
7:30 with Brett and Ro
Worked up to 93# on the performance complex. Lots of good cues from Ro.
WOD with 83# cleans- 134 reps.
Couldn't get my rower started for a while on the first round. The extra rest was kind of nice though! This was another super sweaty workout.
MeLo is super inspiring! So is EVERY SINGLE pregnant woman (and woman/man with children) who find time to work out!!!! It's mind blowing to me you can fit it all in. Amazing people!
Anyway, C& J fitness complex up to 93#. (Failed 98) Really wanted to work on heavy push press.
115 reps. WOW, this is not my workout. It's okay FGB is still worth signing up for!!! It's a blast!
Melo is just incredible!
Performance Clean Complex: 83×2, 93×2, 103×3, 108×1
I am not good at power cleans, but they were pretty decent today! Ro even complimented me on them and he normally gives me feedback on about 3 different things I need fix. Even though I didn't work specifically on PCs in Frankie's class, it clearly helped!
WOD: 131 reps at 83# bc we were too lazy to change the bar.
PCs: 10-13-14
BJs: 23-23-25
Row: 9-7-7 🙁
PCs done in sets of 4s and 3s until the last set where I had to go to singles at the end.
BJs: Jumped up, stepped down. I'm more efficient with step ups which is what I'll do in FGB.
Row: Clearly not my strength. I got off 10s early on the second and third round to move onto cleans earlier for a net gain of only 3 reps:(