JMD in slo-mo at Open Gym
Introducing a CFSBK Poet: Jynne Dilling Martin
Last year, CFSBKer and poet Jynne Dilling Martin spent six weeks, funded by the National Science Foundation, living in Antarctica. As her NPR interview reports, “She spent the summer (winter, to those of us in the Northern Hemisphere) shadowing scientists as they went about their work, and writing about the people who call the icy continent home.” Out of that project emerged many of the poems in her new collection, We Mammals In Hospitable Times, one of which is included below.
Jynne will be giving a reading at Book Court on Wednesday, February 25, at 7pm, and she would love for any and all CFSBKers to join her. She also kept a blog while she was in Antarctica, which you can find here.
From Jynne, as an introduction for the poem below: “One of my favorite things poetry can do, like no other art form, is knit together disparate images, from all different times, places, sources. In this particular poem, I used quotes from an actual love letter that was found last year in a Korean tomb alongside details of the scientific work I witnessed in Antarctica. Most people imagine Antarctica being all white, but in fact, it’s spectacularly colorful—the ice refracts the sunlight into a constant dazzling rainbow mirage—and colored light also glows out of many of the scientific machines, like the ones measuring neutrinos that have fallen all the way to Earth from other galaxies. It stuns me to think we can actually see and touch light, or love letters, from such different places and times.”
A giant ice cube at South Pole Station captures
extragalactic neutrinos. Please take me to where you are,
pleaded the pregnant Korean widow to her lost love
in a sixteenth-century letter an archaeologist
found folded in a tomb. Telescopes see only light;
faces from our dreams, unspoken desires, dead stars
go undetected. Come to me secretly and show yourself
she whispered. Hans Spemann plucked a fine hair
from his newborn daughter to tie an embryo egg in half.
The microscope zooms in on a freshly formed eyeball
gazing expectantly back. The archaeologist feels ill,
presses twice-boiled tea leaves to his forehead,
unfolds and refolds the letter again. The fastest thing
in the universe is light; the slowest is forgiving
then forgetting. The seal gnaws a hole in the sea ice,
sunlight flashes on a million emerald cod flitting below.
Captured neutrinos flare pale blue; embryos float
in drops of glistening saline fluid and await their fate.
Quartz cuvettes filled with seawater and lavender dye
slide into a spectrometer, colors the human eye
cannot see fan out inside a box. Please, come in a dream,
there is no limit to what I want to know. I wait here.
From We Mammals in Hospitable Times by Jynne Dilling Martin. Copyright 2015 by Jynne Dilling Martin. Excerpted by permission of Carnegie Mellon University Press.
News and Notes
- The Snowshoe trip to the Catskills was rescheduled for this Saturday, and there are now two spaces left. Email Mare [at] if you’re interested!
- DON’T FORGET TO RSVP TO CLASS: Click on the Class Schedule and RSVP tab in the left-hand column (under General Information) and select the class for which you’d like to RSVP.
- Want to work out on Sunday at 9am and bring your kid/s? Now you can! Sign them up at the Front Desk for CFSBK Kids Club, and learn more here.
Mapping 61 Ancient Tattoos on a 5,300-Year-Old Mummy The Atlantic
Why Are You Here? Catalyst Athletics
It’s Official: Singles Who Do CrossFit Have More Sex New York Observer
Poetry on the CFSBK blog! And by Jynne no less! Love it! That is all.
I love it when we feature poetry on the blog. Can't wait for Dr. Mike's rebuttal.
As a service to the community, I've written a note to the writer of the Observer article requesting some specifics. I'll share my findings with everyone.
Jynne is my new hero! Too bad I can't make the poetry reading, old man Osorio is breaking my back.
Guys we've got 23 people signed up for the Open! We're 20 days out from Open Workout 15.1! Register today! We'll put more details on the blog, but know that there will be Rx'd and scaled versions of each workout and you can only help the team by signing up. Even if you do one rep it doesnt bring the whole team down. Thanks guys!
Jynne! 7 AM awesomeness! (Although I sadly missed her, and all the other ladies, today. It was just me and a bunch of dudes this time.)
Paused back squats instead of FSQ to prepare for Iron Maidens. 165x3x3, felt heavier than I expected it to! But it was a good reminder of where the bottom is.
WOD in 10:52. Burpees slower than molasses going uphill in the middle of the winter we are having.
PS, thanks for the reminder, DO. I had already registered but didn't realize I hadn't put myself down for the CFSBK team. Fixed!
WU 1 or 2
Fitness 3×3 LP Aim to add 5-10 lbs each week.
Performance 92.5% x1, 72.5% x10
1000m Row
50 Thrusters
30 Burpees
Front Squats: 185x5x3
did sets of 5 by mistake. Felt pretty heavy.
metcon: 8:38
probably paced the rowing too slowly, finished there at 4:04. Thrusters unbroken. Burpees were slow to start, then gradually sped up.
Learned about bar levers from McD.
Last night at 7:30 with Noah and Ro
Worked up to 135 on the performance snatch complex. Love working the high hang snatches, as the third pull is generally my worst, and holding the bar in that position for a second or two before I start really enforced what I need to do on the movement. Did two sets at 135 – first was sketchy (the bar went away from my body a bit on the pull, I ended up on my toes), but the second was pretty on point. I definitely feel pretty emboldened by my progress on the snatch lately, as up until December or so, 135 was a 1rm for me.
For the NFT work, ended up doing 3 rounds – 40, 45, and 50 on the press, 115, 125, and 135 on the reverse lunges, and some toes to bar that could still use work. Hung out for a bit afterwards and worked on muscle up transitions, but was feeling a little exhausted.
Also, psyched to say the Tacos basketball team won our first two games on Wednesday!
Oh, I am also really excited for the Open this year! I signed up last year as a complete novice at CrossFit, and ended up surprising myself on a few things (it was the first time I ever really got toes to bar kipped). Now that I have a better grasp on some of the movements, I'm really hoping to see an improvement. Anyone who is on the fence should just totally go for it. The vibe in the gym during the workouts is awesome, and the whole process of waiting to see what the workouts are, and then strategizing and cheering people on is awesome.
s/o to grandmaster noah abbott, without whom i would not have pr'd my snatch last night #humblebrag #butreallylistentonoahhesreallyhelpful
6am. Olympic lifting. Front squats: 245x3x3, 245x2x3. Snatch (2 pulls from floor to power position + power snatch + overhead squat): 88x1x6. Snatch pulls: 175x3x3. Really struggling to keep the bar close when pulling from the floor which is causing the pull to be slow and weak. But hopefully this is getting grooved and will feel more natural soon.
Just signed up for the open. Discovered that I'll be in the 40-44 masters division this year even though I won't be 40 during the open.
Poetry in Letters, Poetry in (slow) Motion.
Make up from Tuesday and Thursday at CFEB:
Not the best warm up scheme, and definitely felt that on the first set. Will try to go up to 112 next week.
5 Rounds for Reps:
In 1 Min
Prowler push (135#)
Max rep HSPU
1 min rest
UGH! I hadn't pushed a prowler since I moved, and I could feel it. Also just feeling a little deconditioned so was slower on the HSPU than I should have been. Got 36 HSPU total, with a significant drop off after the first two rounds. My shoulder was a bit tweaky after this, so I'm going to lay off of it for the weekend.
6am. FSQ: 115×5 / 165×3 / 195×2 / 220×1 / 175×10. FSQ felt heavy today. Back was still sore from that deadlift workout! Made it through the 10 though.
WOD: 10:08 Rx. I should have done the thrusters unbroken but I split them up 38/12. Burpees in 3 sets. Burpees are my enemy. I'd love to become more efficient with them.
A little bit of bar lever work although I was pretty spent and didn't have much in me to do any well.
I'm signed up for the open and on the team, even though I won't be able to do even the first workout at CFSBK. I hope you guys will accept me as an honorary member! Otherwise, I'm homeless for now.
FSQ: 205x3x3
WOD: 10:30. Probably a mistake to have done the thrusters. My right shoulder feels very inflamed now.
Love this, Jynne!
Jynne! 😀
What i really want to know is if you hung out with a penguin??
p.s. that observer article is the funniest
p.p.s. also signed up for the open!
Jay: As we both know, there are not enough poets in the world. Bring it on! I think the important point is to hear many voices commenting on our human experience from many different perspectives. Its all part of the juice called humanity.
Bravo to Jynne! Very interesting work and a fascinating mix of themes.
More please!
While I do have many of them, Jynn is absolutely one of my favorite Foundations students.
All morning fitness…
FSQ (pause 1st rep)
Bench (pause 1st rep)
Snatch Pull
Going for chilaquiles!!!
I posted this in the classifieds but wanted to share here as well in case anyone is looking for housing:
We're moving out of our 2 bed, 1 bath apartment at Smith St. & Dean St. and would love someone from the community to take our spot. Apartment is one of two units in the building, directly above Lucky Jeans (one flight of stairs), and has a large deck off of the kitchen. Apartment includes new (2014) washer/dryer and is pet friendly. Furnishings (e.g., curtains, blackout shades, AC, patio furniture) negotiable. Landlord is asking $3400/mo. No broker fee, at the moment.
If interested, let me know and I can arrange a showing or send along pictures. Thanks!
mjacobson81 (at) gmail (dot) com
Feeling a bit sore and fatigued from Wed + Thu's work.
Warm Up:
-Row 2 min
-3 rounds: 5 push ups, 10 air squats, :30 hollow hold
33×5, 48×4, 58×2 (static)
66x5x3 (dynamic)
rep out @ 60: 10 reps
-McD noted I was pressing it way back behind me (again), so this got better in sets 2 + 3.
-1 kip attempt, didn't stick it through. rings going wide again. more drills
-1 strict with minimal assist from Fox
-1 strict- even less assist, but failed b/c the rings went wide again
enough for a couple days. feeling like my shoulders need a break.
12noon w/ Coach Noah & McDowell
Yesterday's Snatch Complex:
75x1x3, 95x1x3, 105x1x2, 115x1x3 (w/ 2 OHS fails)
I felt a little worn out from my first 3-day week, and my wrists weren't having the OHS. However I feel like my form is getting tighter.
WOD Not For Rounds:
DB Press: 45, 50, 50, 50lb DBs
Reverse Lunges (dumbells): 50, 60, 60, 60lb DBs
T2Bs: 4 rounds
I love Not For Rounds. I love them so.
Noon Class with McDowell
3 Rounds NFT
10 Front Squats 45#
10 Ring Rows
10 Strict Presses 45#
Front Squats
(135×5, 165×3, 185×2)
185×2 Paused
Row/Thruster/Burpee WOD
I THINK it was 8:40?? I honestly can't remember now, I should have written it down immediately after. I always forget when I don't write it down within a few minutes.
I kept the row at 2:00 splits for most of it, trailing to 2:05 range for the last quarter
All Thrusters unbroken
Burpees without stopping
Post Class
Pull to Knee + Hang Squat Clean + Power Jerk
Worked up to 85kgs before running out of time and having to get on a phone call.
Thanks everyone for the very kind comments! Stella sorry to miss you this morning, Louie and I had grocery store Crossfit AKA our Food Coop shift.
Cam I spent a week with the penguins. Here's a photo of my favorite friend:
Warm up x3
5 strict hspu w abmat
5 Box jumps 30"
5 c2b chin ups
10 kipping hspus
:30 rest
Bench press – 2 sec pause on all
35kg x 3
40kg x 2
43kg x3x3 (90%) – felt good
Deadlift – deficit on warm ups
84kgx3x3 – felt so hard — luckily my buddy was there. Lifting environment is everything
Really trying to do it all which is proving to be tough
Pretty epic OG
Snatch, Max
308 9#PR!!…uhhh Fuck ya
Clean and jerk, 80ish%x1x4
That snatch PR has been a long time coming!
Nice job, Jake!
And Jynne! I love it. I had no idea you wrote poetry. 🙂
Didn't plan on deadlifting today, but got roped into a group classes where people were going for new 1RM DL's.
1×290 (new PR!)
Annie: 6:33. Everything unbroken, but a bit slow on the transitions with a couple of slip ups when I was getting the double unders going.