Fitness: High Hang Snatch + Knee Hang Snatch + OHS (1+1+1)
Work up to a moderate load on the complex.
Performance: Power Snatch 2 Rep Max
Stay on the bar. You do not need to fully recover (stand up) the 1st rep, but it must be a clear rep before dropping the bar back to the hips. Practice the jump/catch recovery during warm up sets. Focus on keeping a tight upper back, sending the knees back off the floor, and staying over the bar long enough to get into an effective power position for the second pull.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds for Time:
20 Wall Balls 20/14, 14/9
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Dr. Fidler at the Rockaways last Friday, post-hurricane swell
“Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord”: A Poem by Dr. Mike Cutaia
*Psalm 100
Written on August 15, 2014
It’s hard to know where the titles come from.
Out of nowhere. Or, from somewhere
long forgotten. This one appeared during a hard session
of volume work, grunting through some back squats
like a sweaty warthog having a bad day. Emerging
from some childhood recess in my brain,
triggered by who knows what (?), I recall
this title of a hymn, sung by an eight year old
practitioner of prayer, standing lonely and alone
amidst the loud congregation members
petitioning urgently to their Lord.
This was the Scottish Presbyterian church
where I was sent to “to get some structure”
for my life. My parents didn’t go. Just me–
a little chubby Italian elephant, out of place,
and hiding at the feet of the loud sonorous
indifferent adults in this house of righteous song,
along with my barely perceptible squeaks
of chorus. But, now I realize
what a gift they gave me. To accept all of
my bodily music. How special is this corporeal feat
of motion and sound in the gym. Not a PR,
but something just as good. As Walt Whitman
would say, I’m celebrating myself today.
I’m in the church of the body.
Join the 2014 Fight Gone Bad Fun!
There are still some spots left for Fight Gone Bad. Read more here, sign up here.
We are open for any and all donations for prizes. If you own or work at a business that wants to provide some sort of prize (no matter how small!) for our top performers (for the WOD and fundraising) please email David [at]
Since 2008, CrossFit South Brooklyn has conducted a yearly fundraiser in the form of a workout called Fight Gone Bad. Last year, we raised over $40,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF), a local organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grantmaking, and community service. This year, we’ll be partnering with BCF again and hope to surpass last year’s donation numbers. Last year we had 180 members participating and this year, we’re capping it at 200.
Flowchart: Should You Catcall Her? Playboy
21 Kids Who Shut Down Picture Day Buzzfeed
Fledge Shoot To Support CrossFit
Watch Walter, a Golden Lab, Run to the Water With a Camera on his Back!
6am with Arturo and DO
Shoulders were pretty snug from the last two days so the power snatches were a bit tough to coordinate. DO's non-standard warmup helped. Hit 145# for my 2 RM of the power snatch.
Partnered with BK on the WOD and hit 8:52 rx. It was clearly a C2B pull-up workout and I should have paced them better. I did 13,5,2 for my first round and then fell apart during the second and third.
I love this poem so much. Thanks for sharing, Dr. MIke!
6am with DO and JF
Performance @ 135#. Everything felt snap and clean up to #135. At 135, I had to focus on committing and getting under the bar.
6:53 Rx, the chest to bars caught up quickly. The first round felt good and then the pullups got hard very hard. Resorted to singles at the end to avoid big rest periods.
Man, nothing reminds me of my 25 years hunched over a desk like power snatches followed by kipping pull-ups. Have to invest a *lot* more time pre-class on shoulder mobility next time. Also have to be a bit braver about going for bigger snatch weights. Thanks to DO for the kipping coaching and Adam for the encouragement.
Great poem Dr. Mike. So many crystal clear and beautifully relatable images.
Re: yesterday.. That's awesome JB! The work-out and the squats. Crazy fit girl!!
Visited Columbia Street Tuesday night and coincidentally took class with Josh!
Everyone was very friendly and welcoming. Maybe it was the tropical climate, but the workout felt really hard even after a few west coast workouts that all seemed to involve running, hills and heavy sleds at 6300 feet above sea level.
5 rounds for time:
9 cleans @93 (Rx was 115)
15 box jumps 20"
21 push-ups
20:38. It was a slow, sweaty slog.
Before that we did a group warm-up and worked on pistols.
Including the warm up, I did 125 strict push-ups
Training side note: it's been about 3 weeks since I've squatted off a rack
Lots of inversions, meditation and "sports" though
Too much play time not enough lifting!
Love this, Dr. Mike 🙂
came in last night for 6:30p class:
lbbs: 110×20, these sets of 20 & my 3×5 are converging on each other but somehow everything feels heavier of saturday mornings.
wod: 135# deadlifts, finished in 4:38, this was one of those workouts where i felt like my legs were turning to stone, so, super fun!
dr. mike, love the poem!
good luck in your new places to all the movers! congrats on your weddings joey and sarah & johanna!
Thank you to who ever has the eagle eyes that located my lifting belt and kindly returned it to the bin!
10am class
I worked power snatch doubles Tuesday night up to 154, so today did the Fitness complex and wound up doing a bunch of reps at 132, none of them stellar.
8:23 Rx'd
This was rough. Wall Ball which are usually a strength were all over the place, including 7 no-reps. C2B were in sets of 5 throughout until the final 10 (4-3-3)
Felt reeeeeally weak and stiff today. At least I'm consoled by the fact that I have developed a pretty good tan due to all my days down in the Rockaways. I mean, I'm no Jess or Arturo, but it's not too bad for an Irish guy.
6am. Worked up to 155# for a power snatch double. Did that weight twice. First set was ok while the second was a bit ugly. Got some good start positioning tips from DO, but my pull felt slow today. Metcon: 8:42 Rx. That was a lot of C2B pull-ups
10am with Jess.
I can't believe it is week 5 of the cycle! I have missed most of it due to being out of Brooklyn the majority of August but had a CF close by that i got to go to regularly. It's nice to be back! I I really enjoy the CFSBK programming.
Worked up to #63 on the fitness snatch complex. It started getting ugly and with a few tips from Jess and scaling it back 5# I was able to get the last 2 lifts feeling pretty good.
WOD – 14lb WB and blue banded kipping pullups. 7:06. WB unbroken the first 2 rounds. Last round broke them up 10-10. They felt really good today (probably because i did Open WOD 13.3 last week so anything less than 150 WB at a time feels like a piece of cake this week). Kipping PU were in sets up 5 at first, but by the end down to sets of 2, then singles for the last 5.
Fun WOD. Forearms were really sore after.
Thanks for the poem Dr. Mike.
6am with DO and Jess.
Worked up to 115# on the snatch complex, which was harder today than it should have been. Failed a few times at 115# until I finally got it in the end. I was trying to stand up before I was truly under the bar, so I need to slow that part down – get under, then stand up.
WOD: I was pretty sure I wouldn't complete this if I attempted Rx as my C2B are not strong. With a 10 min cap, I finished 2 rounds + 11 C2B, although that 11 is a pretty generous count. None of those nice people watching called a no rep even though I know there were a few. I was still pretty wrecked from our pull-up work on Monday, so I knew going in that it was going to be rough. My kipping still needs plenty of work as well so plenty to improve upon. At least I hit 7 unbroken in my first set so I felt pretty good about that.
12pm with DO.
Snatch- worked up to 68# which I managed to do twice but I felt a bit like I may have pressed out with my right arm both times and then I started getting frustrated at my inability to get under the bar so dropped back to 63# but by that point I was tired. Really feeling stiff and sore from yesterday's deadlifts. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Sometimes I feel like I will never be able to do the oly lifts, like it is just not a thing my brain is wired for. But I'll keep trying, I guess.
WOD in 7.04 with 5 x blue banded strict chin-ups. I am so bad at wall balls. They make me want to cry. I had several 'air balls' in each round and fell short of the 9 foot target once or twice too. Also I have a tendency to throw the ball with my right arm only, kind of like a basketball, which makes it even more difficult. Must remember not to do that.
Double-under practice for 10 mins afterwards. Going to try to get 5 or 10 mins as often as possible after class. I would love to be able to string them together some day.
So today all of the things I worked on were things I am bad at and don't quite understand. In a way that makes me miss Strength Cycle- it was so great to get on the platform every time and know I was able to do everything relatively well, and better than the previous time. On the other hand, It makes me more determined to keep working hard at these movements until I hopefully eventually get to a point at which I feel confident that I can perform them well.
Someone asked me today why I came in even though I 'dislike' snatches and wall balls. That's why.
12noon w/ Coach David O
Snatch Complex: Fitness:
Worked up to 125#
Strangely my high-hangs were better than my from-the-knees. Also, I seemed to have lost my confidence in getting under the lifts. I must return next Thursday.
7:52 RXd wall balls, BUT with 10 strict pull-ups (since I don't have kipping yet).
Great Poem dr mike!
Crossover symmetry: activation
3 rounds of:
8e rev lunges 45lbs
8 push-ups
4 ctb chin-ups
45×5, 135×5, 165×5, 185×3, 205×2
225x5x3 really slow. REDO
185x3x3 paused
5 rounds for time
5 deadlifts 275
10 strict burpees
Slowish burpees, deads unbroken
iron scap circuit
Also fun links today
Took 12pm today as David ran the class solo:
Performance snatch-
-worked up to 42kg successfully for the power snatch double. Got one at 44 and then pressed out one awful, and just gave up during the next lift. Dropped it back down to 35kg and worked a single full snatch back up to 42kg.
Wod: 9:13 rx'd
-planned on scaling the c2b pull-ups to 12 each round but damn did that first round feel good. Ended up regretting this during the last set of 20 when I ended up tearing in 5 different spots. I need to take better care of my calluses!
Bravo, Charlie! Bra-Effing-Vo. Crossfit is the opposite of getting better at what we're good at. It's uncomfortable. It isn't for everybody. It's hard to keep plugging away at our weaknesses, especially when we could spend time doing what we like since we're good at it. I'm happy to hear you took today as such.
Skipped snatches and did cleans today – after an eternity. Did a bunch of reps at 135, 145, 155, 160, 165, and then dropped back down to 135 for a few more.
WOD @10 strict pull-ups: 7:20
Poetry from Mike
Makes me smile from ear to ear
Badass work by him
7:30 – Roah
Snatch – Perf
150 would've been a 1RM for a power snatch, so I ain't mad at all at 150 as a 2RM. Was trying too early in my setup to have my weight back…allowing that bar to come straight up the legs…when my weight on setup should be front of midfoot…and transition to back of midfoot as that bar is moving up my shins. Also didn't like that I felt a little wide on my power catch…need more practice with the PVC moving those feet just a little out on the catch (not a huge difference).
WOD – 9:17
Did the 30lb WB…with the first round a version of c2b (prob would've been no repped a couple times)…and last 40 kipping pull-ups. WB's were unbroken and felt good. Pullups felt good tonight too…Did sets on 5 except for the last 10 on last set…I guess it just took me a while to get back to the bar.
Cashout: 6x250m row w/ 1 sprint…I'm trying to get my 500m row under 1:25, which means I've gotta get to that 250m mark with something left in the tank.
Somebody told me this league called the National Football League has their first game tonight…
@charlie: wall balls make me want to cry too. Today was one of the hardest and most frustrating workouts I've experienced. Also took me 7 minutes and I was using a light wall ball. Was feeling discouraged, but reading the comments from you and Fox makes me feel a lot better! I am inspired by your dedication to double unders–i can barely do one– and therefore commit to also practicing before/after class. Thanks!!