Behind the Desk
You all love the Underneath the Hoodie series (stay tuned for more on that soon), but we’re bringing you a new series called Behind the Desk, about our beloved and much appreciated Front Desk staff. These CrossFitters take care of the important duties of checking in our members, handling walk-ins, tidying up after classes, and so many other things that it would take forever to list them. They are the glue that holds this gym together.
There are seven of them, so expect a new post about a new person on the next seven rest days. Great to put their lovely faces with their names, and some weird, fun facts—since we know how much we love weird, fun facts at CFSBK. As you get to know them, make sure to say hi and thank you for all their hard work. Questions asked and answers compiled by Kate R.
Full name: Mathew Alan Katz
Where were you born and where did you grow up:
Born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, grew up in Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
First album that you loved:
Weird Al’s Bad Hair Day
What are you up to when you’re not at 597 Degraw Street:
I’m a reporter on the internets!
“Ask me about that time I…”:
Had to carry around an old naked man at South by Southwest
Earth is about to implode but aliens on a previously undiscovered planet named Euripides want to preserve one artifact from humans. What would you offer them?:
A copy of Tommy Wiseau’s masterpiece, The Room.
Favorite shade of blue:
Favorite lift:
Low bar back squat
We love you, Matt!
CrossFit: The Good, Bad, and the Ugly Mark Rippetoe
Standardized CrossFit Practice CrossFit
Todd and I are in Tokyo now. I think the 40 degree temperature difference helped me tremendously.
Chikara Crossfit Forever!
We did a lot of mobility. I learned a couple of new tricks. A speed drill that I lost. I need to work on fast feet. Then all oly lifts!
First, a split jerk stance 3×5 push press. 45, 65, 70. Had to grind out the last 2-3 with a very curved back.
Second, 7 reps building up to a heavy couplet: push press, split jerk. 75, 95, 100, 105, 110. We worked in kg, which I think made me feel stronger. The last ones I didn't quite drop under, I had to push out a bit.
Third, 3×3 squat clean. 95,100,105, 110×2,f
So happy with that!!!! New pr x2. Powered by ramen and an overwhelming love of all things Japanese.
Chikara Crossfit Weightlifting Day
Like Crystal said, the agility warmup was crazy! Something to work on. Also did a block/lax ball psoas grind that made me want to puke.
Split Stance Strict Press (kg)
20×5 40×5 45x5x2
Push Jerk > Split Jerk (kg)
45, 60, 70, 80, 85, 87(F), 87
Definitely a PR Push Jerk and a PR Double for me, didn't drop far/fast enough on the split on the first attempt at 87, got it the second time and felt significantly lower than I have in the past on a split jerk (i.e. it was harder to stand back up). Some new territory to explore there.
Clean Triples (kg)
70, 80, 85, 87
85 was tough but not super tough so decided to try to match the Jerk Double and got it.
Meat CSA pickup is tomorrow (Wednesday) from 6-8:30 PM.
Issues or questions, email me: mignyc at gmail dot com.
Also, <3 MK. That portrait is incredible.
THAT CLIP IS AMAZING! i just watched it three times.
"well what happened? remember betty? that's her name?"
I'm glad y'all can now respect my mad MS paint self-portrait skillz.
And thankfully, now everyone knows exactly what Matt looks like.
MK, I want to know where you're finding blue bacon.
Yesterday's work: bench 110x3x5. Man, that pause is a beyotch. But I'm SO HAPPY we're doing bench next cycle!
Flight simulator: I said I'd be delighted if I got to the round of 15, and that's what I did. Josue, on the other hand, is a double under Zen master.
Ariel – they do AMAZING midnight showings of that movie. I think we should get an SBK group together…
6am with Jess and McDowell. Wednesday's medley: a) 375#, b) 65# (barbell) and c) ~295# (some kilo weights mixed in). Fun day. Nice to bust out some rarely seen equipment.
Matt, you paint? I had no idea. I just assumed it was a photo.
Big make up post:
Sunday: 21:50 on the DL/running WOD with 115#. I was the second to last person in a huge class to finish, but I am really setting my form on the deadlifts these days after injuring myself in mid-October. The good news is they felt great (albeit broken up in small sets) and I am CRAZAY sore in my hamstrings and gluteus. Like, crazy sore.
Monday: 80# x 3 x 5 on the bench. 80# is 80% of my old 1RM, although I suspect I should be able to bench more than that by now. Trouble is, I am having problems arching without seizing up in my back, so I had to do the bench in more of a neutral spine, which definitely makes it feel heavier. I want to lift more weight than this. For flight simulator, I got to 50!!! Every round UNBROKEN!!! YES!!! And then, I couldn't get back down. Failed at 45 three times and called it as the clock ran out. Thanks to Josh for pushing me to 50, was glad I made it there.
Today: Wednesday's WOD with Jess = amazeballs and so much fun. 185# on the first movement (about 25# less than my last 1RM), 50# on the second movement (a new 1RM!!!) and ALL THE WEIGHT on the third movement. Literally, all the weight. 80kg. And I had to pretend I was being chased by a T-Rex.
Yup. I need the rest of that movie in my eyeballs pretty much immediately.
KH! You got to the round of 50? Wonder Twin powers activate!
Wednesday's WOD:
405# on the first movement- 20# below my PR on the standard version
83# on the second movement (PR I think)
+ 185# on the third (not sure how much the apparatus weighs)
Oh I'm so in. I cant wait.
Fifty? That is amazing. I got to ten doing my single double single double routine … And then Got my first double double ever. I got to two. I have a ways to go on those.
Belated post from last night's 8:30 class:
Bench: 65x5x3 – a nice do-able weight, was very cautious because I haven't benched in months
Flight Simulator: got to 20 DUs then decided my belly had had enough bouncing and did two sets of 100 singles.
PRO TIP: if you ever see David Osorio approaching you with a sawed-off PVC pipe, RUN.
(Thanks for the lower leg "massage" DO!)
Hi SBK peoples!!
My good friend Andy Scott is making an independent film and has a Kickstarter project in the works to raise funds to finish it. It's about a lil town in Arizona that has NINE prisons; Florence's population 17,000 inmates and 8,500 civilians. The film takes a look at this small cowboy town and also sheds light on the prison industrial complex in America.
Check it out and if you can throw down a few bucks, please do!
On another note, I had acupuncture this morning on my consistently-tight calves and based on the soreness creeping in right now I'm thinking I may need to do something other than the flight simulator tonight. Wow!
Noon class, Monday's work
Paused Bench 205x3x4
Flight SImulator 16:33 – Thanks Jeremy for letting Fiore and I finish up. I've never actually done this WOD before. I hated it.
10am with Lady Fox.
Bench Press- worked up to 100 x 5, which felt medium-hard heavy and is a PR.
Spent some quality time on the erg afterwards. I was really happy as I was not sure I would be able to row as my knee has been really bothering me. Just back from a massage with the incredible Inka…feeling good!
I hear Matt Katz is awesome 🙂
I heart my Canadian bacon!
I would just like to thank Josh and the 6:30 class for waiting for me to go to the bathroom before the flight simulator. And really, I should thank the whole gym, since you were all in support of making that happen.
The anticipation built and I had grand intentions, making it unbroken to 48 before my weary forearms indicated the end had come. That was around 8 minutes, so I started to descend and missed the rest by about 5. Boooooooooooo.
Attempted to make up Monday's work at my Sheraton gym this morning. Did 3×5 bench with 50# dumbbells (the biggest ones they had) and then flight simulator. GOT TO 50! a PR. Very fun. A good hotel workout for sure.
Strength – lots of big lifts today on the platforms.
Squat ladder:
167.5×2 (2 rep PR!)
160×4 (this was programmed at 140, but I read it incorrectly in my heavy squat/PR stupor)
130×6 (this felt super light!)
That's a lot of squatting!
DB presses:
25 felt like a big jump. Didn't want to push for rep 4 with terrible form.
Kroc Rows @ 30#
18 right side, 19 left side
Now I am going to eat all of the steak. Feeling strong.
Yesterday's 8:30:
Paused bench — worked up to triples at 170. Grindy but hit my reps. Calculated this based of a number less than my most recent 1RM of 225. Clearly lost some of that strength, so looking forward to working on this.
Got stuck trying to get 20 doubles. Same as last year. Frustrating, but happy to still get 10+ consistently on a "bad" day.
Today's 5:30:
290 on first movement, 75 was my best attempt on the second movement, and sled+325lbs on the third. Really fun day!