5-10-15-10-5 Reps for time of:
Dumbbell Thrusters
Jumping Pull Ups or Ring Rows
5-10-15-10-5 Reps for time of:
Thrusters 95/65
Kipping Pull Ups
If you are doing any version of a strict pull-up, perform 3-6-9-6-3 reps
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to “Fran” and “Narf”
Sarah J looking comfortable at the bottom of a 1RM
Happy Birthday, Kate D!
Dumbbell Thrusters
The Thruster is a common CrossFit exercise that requires you to squat below parallel with a load on your shoulders then thrust it overhead in one fluid movement. It’s commonly used as a potent conditioning tool and less commonly used as a strength developer. Today’s workout has two versions of the Thruster, one with Dumbbells and the other with a Barbell. While more total weight can be moved with a barbell, mobility limitations can make it very uncomfortable for many people to rack the barbell on their shoulders. If you have a really hard time keeping your elbows up as you descend and find the movement stressful on your wrists, Dumbbell Thrusters are probably going to be your best bet. Dumbbells also require more shoulder stability and are excellent at developing muscle symmetry.
A common issue with dumbbell thrusters is that as you fatigue your weaker side may begin to collapse inwards at the rack position or fail to lock out overhead. Often the dumbbell will begin to drop toward your chest during the ascent and then barely make it to lock out. This is a clear indication that you’ve got underdeveloped external rotators in your shoulder. To get through the workout, you’ll have to either slow down significantly or reduce the weight of your dumbbells. Trying to gut through a collapsing rack support is ill advised as it could put excessive stress on the soft tissue in and around your shoulder. Below are a few different things you can do pre/post workout to help develop this weak link:
We recommend you do them 2-3 times per week for 3 sets of 8-20 reps.
Joe Defranos Shoulder Health Circuit
1936 Olympics rowing: The greatest underdog, Nazi-defeating American Olympic victory you’ve never heard of Slate
“Fran” At the Arnold Classic
Miranda Does “Fran”
Noon class with Jeremy. Was going to take another rest day today but I couldn't pass up the Ladder Fran variant. Warmups were perfect for all the overhead pushing and pulling, shoulders and lats felt great the whole time.
Went ahead and did it RX'd:
Thrusters: unbroken, 6-4-5, 6-4, unbroken
Pullups: unbroken, 9-6, 5-5, 4-1
Legs were beat up for the mile cooldown jog but felt better after lap 2. Came home to some mysterious bruises on my upper thighs! Maybe from rolling out on the hard roller and with the lax ball before class?
Strength "pre-cycle" Volume Day
Squat: 275x5x5
I did the first set without a belt but it was harder than I'd like. Then it was hard with a belt. I had snap, but bar felt heavy and reps 3-5 were taxing. Took longer rests than I wanted.
Bench: 187.5 x5x4
The first set was rough. I decided to drink a recovery drink. (~20 grams of quick carbs and 7 grams of protein and some minerals. I was feeling really weak. I think I was becoming dehydrated. I then totally crushed the 2nd set. Sets 3-4 were fine. Still working on my set-up, planting my feet and driving into my heels. Still not entirely getting it. Very tempted to take this to 5 sets this cycle.
Chins: 5, 6, 6, 5
Happy to be back up to 6! Will started adding weighted again.
I'm really enjoying watching the Oly Weightlifting on NBC streaming. Surprised to see how many of the men are missing their C&J on the Jerk– much more so than the women. Two have completely bombed out so far. Then again, I certainly can't put 330 pounds over my head! At 123 pounds BW! Crazy!
Shorty today
Teach for 5 hours
High Bar Back Squats
(45x5x2, 135×5, 185×3)
Then I did 135x7x3 Stop Squats
I think I'm a little slow on the Olympics viewing.. It seems like I can only watch it online if I have a cable contract? Which I don't.. any thoughts?
My abs are incredibly sore. Holy shit sore.
80 GHD Sit-Ups will do that to a fella.
David, I think thats accurate. But if you are able to get online you should have a "cable contract" unless you are stealing wifi.
just go to the provider website and create a user name password.
The weightlifting was incredible to watch. It unreal tto watch people weighing 55 kg1snatch 127kg and then watch them c&j 159 kg.