Back Squat 1-1-1
Press 1-1-1
Deadlift 1-1-1
This is a CrossFit style powerlifting meet in which you have three attempts to find a 1 rep max in each lift listed. Your CrossFit Total is the sum the highest successful lift in each section. For a detailed explanation on the event and standards for each movement, please read Mark Rippetoe’s CFT overview here. To see how you rank, check out these strength standards.
Post all 9 lifts and your CrossFit Total to comments.
Compare to 8.21.10
Teresa B. During Ken’s Advanced Handstand Class
Happy Birthday to Steph Paddock and Mike Mishik!! Congratulations to Willie who is getting married today!
CF Total Schedule
We are not running our usual group class schedule today due to the Total. Instead come to 1 of the 3 following slots
Block 1: 8AM-9:30AM
Block 2: 9:30AM-11AM
Block 3: 11AM-12:30PM
Please arrive 15-20 minutes before your slot to complete whatever DIY warm-up you’d like so that we can promptly start with the movement standards and warm-up sets right at the designated time. In the interest of efficiency please come in with an idea of where you’d like to open each lift and what warm-up weights you intened to use to get there.
**Teaser and Active Recovery are at their regularly scheduled times.**
Go Team! CFSBK is Competing at the Hybrid CrossFit Total Competition!
Coaches Margie and Jeremy are leading a group of SBKers out to Stamford, Connecticut today to compete in the CrossFit Total at Rob Orlando’s Hybrid Athletics. The team is:
Jess O.
Billy K.
Jim R.
Dave Byrd
Joel W.
Katie Mears
and Coaches Margie & Jeremy
We wish Team SBK great luck and success today and look forward to news of big PRs from the Total. Good luck guys!
Dude, Where’s My 1RM?
By Coach Jeremy
Everyone has had the experience: it’s the 2nd attempt of a Crossfit total or your working up to a new 1RM on singles day, you load up the bar with a weight equal to you your existing 1RM, you get psyched up, unrack the bar, go into the hole, and……nothing. It doesn’t come back up. Why? Did you get weaker? Are you doing something wrong? Why can’t you do what you’ve already done?
Think of a 1RM not so much as a measure of strength capacity but as an act of strength performance. Veteran lifters will speak of owning a weight versus hitting a weight. Owning a weight means that you can get under a bar just about anytime you want and move that weight (assuming a proper warm-up and having not done back-to-back hero WOD’s that week). Hitting a weight is a much less reproducible feat. It means that on a day where you felt good, were well rested, timed your eating properly, had your weight belt sitting just right, heavenly bodies were aligned properly, and you managed not to fuck anything up, you were able to squeeze out a higher weight than ever before. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that a weight that you have only hit isn’t something that you can just do on command. It’s an act of strength and will; repeating it doesn’t just happen. No sprinter expects to hit a PR every time they run a given distance, not in competition and especially not in training. There is no reason to just assume that every time you get under a barbell you’re going to PR.
We should also consider that not every one’s best event in lifting is the 1RM. Consider again, sprinting. All sprinters are fast, that’s why they are sprinters. However sprinters have different specialties, some are better in a 60m dash, others are better at the quarter mile. If we took a random group of sprinters and tested their best times at a series of distances, say 60m, 100m, 200m, and 400m, we would probably find that the rankings would look very similar across the events: the faster runners would tend to do well at all of them. However, you would also expect to see some shuffling of rankings based upon the individual strengths of the sprinters. Some are better at accelerating, some run the turns well, some finish well, etc. To bring this back to lifting, imagine a group of powerlifters from the same weight class. If you tested their 1RM, 3RM, and 5RM squat you would see something very similar: The strongest lifters would tend to be at the the top of each ranking, however you would also see some move up or down the leader board as the reps changed based upon their individual characteristics. This is relevant to us because the better you are at an event, the 3RM versus the 1RM for instance, the more likely you are able to reproduce your best effort. We should test our strength at 3RM’s and 5RM’s for precisely the same reason that Track and Field tests more than just the 100m dash as a measure of speed.
Weighlifting, Powerlifting and Crossfit Total’s are all tests of 1RM. This isn’t because 1RM’s are magical, it’s just that they are easier to quantify, they are the highest weights (and everyone wants to see big weights), so they lend themselves to being tested. All this being said there is certainly nothing wrong with going after 1RM’s and when game day comes, you want to break some records. Set yourself up for success by working hard at a good program, resting up in the days leading to the event and getting your head inside your lift when you get under the bar. Once the day’s lifting is over, let it go. A sprinter isn’t suddenly slow on the day they don’t PR; you’re not weak on the day you don’t either. Allow for the fact that not everyday you try to PR is going to be the perfect day to demonstrate that amount of strength.
Nice article Coach Jeremy. Looking forward to starting again on Monday 7/11 with the group!
Good luck to everyone today! Local totals, field trip totals, moving, marrying, Green Beret-ing (OMG), birthdays — oh my! It was crazy to read how many people are going away (boo!), but it all sounds so amazing (yay!). It's been great getting to know you guys on whatever scale I've managed to do so, and I wish you the best of luck (although I secretly wish we could all just stay in one big weird happy gym family forever, ok?).
I've been enjoying this week off from the strength cycle (as have my hips!) but am very much looking forward to getting back to it on Monday.
I'm also super intrigued by McGrath's & Jenna's talk of early morning lap swimming in Red Hook. This seems like it would be an ok thing to do in addition to strength cycle — am I crazy, or would some swimming be ok?
Good luck to our competitors today!!! Really looking forward to see what numbers everyone puts up!
And great article Jeremy. I was just thinking today about how my "novice" effect has worn off in my lifts and how every 1RM is a huge fight now. I was actually thinking of skipping the Total because I didn't think I'd hit the numbers I wanted, but then Fox reminded me it's just a measurement of where I'm at now. Done and done.
Congrats Willie and happy b-day's to Steph and Mike! And to Sean B., so sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to you in person. Safe travels today. You'll be missed!
BSQ: 220 – 230 – 235*
Press: 95F – 85 – 95F
DL: 250F – 240F – 235
Good learning experience all around. And yes, swearing a lot is part of my learning process. Sorry. It's actually worse when I'm 'learning' a new programming language…
BSQ: 145*
Press: 63 (turns out it was 1lb higher than last year! Word, sneaky total PR, but not a true PR)
DL: 175
Total: 383 (up 1lb!)
Best movement today was the BSQ (surprisingly). The last time (about 6mo or so ago) that I tried to do a 1-RM at 140 it was ugly and a massive fail, this time doing 145# felt great and I walked away with a confidence that I could easily have tried 150# and gotten it.
The 63# press was a nice surprise upon getting home and reviewing my BTWB numbers from last years ago (oh and it was 2010 not 2009 – my brain was mush yesterday apparently).
DL was wonky and not a surprise at that since this is the movement i've neglected most. Good to know I need to focus on it more and looking forward to surpassing it (and my PR of 180!).
Was great seeing the "boys club" this morning and working with Worm.
BSq 285
Press 150
Dl 360 (PR)
Tough day on the squat. Didn't feel heavy enough to be my 1rm, but I just suck so bad at the movement. I was being coached by 4 people at once and totally got confused. I'm convinced I must have the worst looking back squat in the history. Rough day for me. Frustrated, humbled but ill be back next week and the week after. As long as it takes I'll figure it out. I'm not quitting.
BS: 210
Press: 115
DL: 310
CFT: 635
Below my PR, but not TOO far below, considering how awful my form was the last time I did this. Thanks to all the coaches watching out for my back and giving me tips on form.
Very nice article Jeremy, all of it!
Today's total = 590 (lower than my last total, which was 620, but that was with high position trap-bar deadlifts, so I'm actually quite happy with this). Happy to be paired with Shawn!
Back Squat: 215, 225, 235 (PR = 240) Happy with this, as I haven't squatted in a while and missed most of the front squats in the last cycle.). Nice tips from Fox on positioning the bar, which helped.
Press: 115, 125(F), 120 (PR = 130. Again, satisfied with this as press is always hard to max out or PR on if I haven't had a full cycle coming into it – the 10 pound jump to the second lift was probably too big – might have worked better if I'd done 120 first and then 125. Dunno).
Deadlift: 215, 225, 235 (PR) It has been a very long time since I've DL'ed and I've been very apprehensive about lifting again. Got some good tips from Shawn on setting up and from all the coaches. Thanks.
So, like, not a bad day's work, on to the Strength Cycle.
Good luck to everyone competing today! Looking forward to seeing how everyone did.
Was great fun to get to the 8AM Total and join the euro boys: David McG, Bjorn, and Nick for lifting.
Last night I predicted theoretical 1RM's based upon my current 5/3/1 numbers from the rep-out sets, and it looked like this:
Backsquat: 300
Press: 140
Deadlift: 385
Anticipated CrossFit Total: 825
Given my focus on sub-maximal lifts, the very audible crepitus from my right knee, and my loss of body weight from eating strict paleo for the last 30 days, I wasn't expecting to exceed these numbers. The actual events would turn out very different…
Pre Lift Prep
Woke up at 6AM
Elected not to eat
Foam rolled for ~20 minutes, paying lots of attention to hamstring, quad, IT band.
Lax ball loving for ~10 minutes especially above and below the knee. Really went to work on the right leg.
Arrived at CFSBK around 7:50 with Asta and after saying hello's did a quick weight in (now@173lbs) and got ready to rock.
Back Squat
Warm Up
Partnered with Nick and got a good number of warm-up reps in based upon our proposed lifts.
45×8, 95×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×1, 265×1, 285×1
Work Weight
305×1, 210×1, 345×1 (PR)
This has always been my weakest lift, even when training specifically to improve this lify I've never managed to get more than 160lbs. Good advice from Fox on changing up the grip width — made a big difference!
Warm Up
45×8, 95×3, 115×1, 125×1
Work Weight
140×1, 150×1, 160F
I've been having some issues with this lift, my grip isn't as strong as it used to be and I just can't hold on. Also seeing a bias to one side whenever I use the mix grip.
Warm Up
135×5. 225×3, 315×1
Work Weight
375×1, 400×1, 410F
Actual CrossFit Total: 895
Post CrossFit Total Work
Made breakfast and demolished: 4 eggs, 4 slices of bacon, 1 almond butter pancake w/fruit, and a serving of zucchini.
Foam rolled upper and lower body.
Accumulated 10 minutes in the bottom of a squat — ran two timers and found that this required 12 minutes and 3 seconds to complete.
Was awesome working with Nick who encouraged me to go heavier, and who also pounded out gorgeous reps on the Backsquat and Deadlift — you made it look easy!!!
Wore a belt for the first time and it's like a whole new lift — taking the weight off the rack felt light! All of my backsquats felt easy, and was tempted to make a jump to 365 for the last backsquat rep and decided to not be greedy!
The 375 and 400lbs Deadlifts felt horrible, and I was fortunate not to have broken myself in the process of picking them up.
Next Steps
This week was the backoff week from my Wendler 5/3/1 protocol, but am excited to start the next cycle using the new 1RM's for Squat and Press. But not the Deadlift, it reminded me of something my swing dancing teacher used to say after my partner and I would execute a challenging acrobatic lift: "Yes, but why you make so ugly?"
mad props to our lifters at Hybrid – every time Hybrid posts a candid shot to their Facebook feed, there's a CFSBK T-shirt in the shot ๐ can't WAIT to hear results, hope y'all post in excruciating detail.
very sad i couldn't be there to lift or spectate.
loved the analogy in Jeremy's article of a 1-RM test as "strength performance." those of you considering Strength Cycle, this kind of balance between coaching you to be a better lifter (technique + practice) and helping you keep your progress in perspective is the true golden nugget of the program. do it!
i don't think i've ever come to the gym feeling as down as i did today. thanks to David and the Active Recovery pain+suffering for pulling me out of a very deep funk.
a great 8am with coach fox. nice piece jeremy. thank you.
didn't know what to expect today. i missed this past week of heavy lifts so wasn't sure i'd be ready.
foam roll
mountain climbers
(45×5 95×5 135×3 185 225)
285 305 these felt very solid so jumped to
325F and then didn't bounce. bah!
happy to be getting to depth on the squats.
happy to be pressing again
(45×5 95×3 135 155)
170 180 had more but no time, had to move on to…
(135×5 225×3 315)
405 425
435F was up but didn't feel right. all regular grip. felt solid.
happy to equal my strength cycle 1rm.
great lifting by bjorn, nick and dan. lovely to see asta at the early class!!
best of luck to the hybrid crossfit totalers. KICK ASS!!
i'm going at 7am Monday if anyone wants to try it.
bring ID, you need to register.
also, N.B. to david:
if you drink that much seltzer, you should consider getting a Soda Stream. i make my own now at home and it saves a shitload of $$ and plastic. they sell SS at the co-op…
Nice day at le Gym today! My first time teaching the Saturday A/R class. Just Michele and me today. I opened with a lecture on Hydration and how it affects you're V02 Max and sliding surfaces. Also talked about what kinds of minerals are lost when you sweat and how much you need to be drinking based on body weight to stay hydrated. Looks like more will have to come to A/R next week to get all the dirty details.
I also wanted to post two things I didn't get to yesterday.
1. Mark Mess got it right, "so long and thanks for all the shoes" was a NOFX reference.
2. Advanced Handstand class was a lot of fun. Press Handstands are Very difficult. I'd like to grow up and be like my new hero Teresa who does them with ease and class.
Congrats to everyone that competed at Hybrid today!
Happy Birthday Mike and Steph, my one and only KBPIC!
Squat – 145, 165, 185
Press – 80, 85 (fail), 82
DL – 205, 215, 225
Total – 492
Great day today doing the total! Just looked and it is up 32# from the last time about a yr ago so that's even better!!! I PR'ed my DL AND back squat! Thanks for the tips and push from Katie and Laurel!
Good crowd for the 11 am Total today. I ended up lifting with Dave and Nate, who are both strong dudes. I had a fairly successful Total considering my goals going in.
Backsquat: 215 225 235F
235 would have been nice, but it felt heavy coming out of the rack, and I think I might have bailed it before I even got all the way down. I knew I'd be giving up the most weight on this lift, and I ended up about where I thought I would
Press: 125 135 145
Pleasantly surprised to match my previous PR here, although it was more of a grind this time. Probably helped that my wrist is more healed than last time, and I might be able to squeeze out 150 or so when the funkiness in my ribs clears up.
300 315F 315F
Mild bummer here. Pull 300×2 on Tuesday, so I was confident I could beat that for a single today. It felt heavier today, though, and perhaps I was greedy in going straight for 3 plates. For some reason it's harder to mentally accept small jumps on this lift. 5 pounds should still be 5 pounds.
Total: 670. No PRs, but again, not a bad day considering where my training has been at this year. I plan to spend the rest of the afternoon memorizing Jeremy's article…
BSQ: 275, 305, 310
Press: 115, 125, 130F
DL: 405, 425 (pr), –
Total: 860 (pr)
Felt two pops in my forearm when at the top of my DL, called it a day. Hopefully this turns out to be nothing serious. It is weak and sore now. The 425 actually went up pretty smooth, if not for the concern, I'd be totally stoked right now.
Press: After my shoulder issues, I'd have been happy with 100 (although my last total was 140). 125 is fine.
The final two backsquats were tough, went up slow but went up. That was about the range I expected.
Nice work, totalers!
Robin, I am no expert, but I don't think you are crazy. I think I might also go to Red Hook Monday AM. Also, in addition to ID (although you can also register online) bring a lock. When they decide to enforce this rule, they absolutely will not let you in without one.
Does anybody know Jim Ryan's phone number? I think I left my wallet in his car on the way back from Connecticut.
Crossfit Total, by far the weakest of everything I do at the gym, sorry to be negative, but it is what it is…
BS: 255: 265(F): 260 (Giving myself a Failed rep on this because I'm confident I didn't reach depth, Ryan actually confirmed)
SP: 145: 155(F): 155(F), 155 is my previous PR, should have dropped to 150 in retrospect but was a bit stubborn.
Deadlift: 325: 315 : 315…Dropped down to work on preventing more herniated discs and injury, Thanks Laurel and Fox for the cues.
It was motivational and definitely encouraging lifting with Malcolm, Ryan and Eric…all of you guys had some insane lifts today, I'm very impressed and motivated to catch up to all of you. Definitely a humbling experience coming from a metcon biased conditioning and seeing everyone here just crush all these lifts.
Overall this was about 50# off of my Total but counting good form is something I need to do as I'm not improving or going anywhere looking like Gumbi deadlifting or having Jello knees on the Backsquat.
Eric, hope that arm is alright, you did crush that deadlift though, congrats on the PR and hope everything is going to be ok
Sweet I get 10 points. That's gotta be worth 1 less burpee the next time they come up.
Overall, the kids from SBK did really well on a personal level. Several of our people hit well earned and, in some cases, major PRs. Really really great work! I was so happy we had the chance to get people out of our gym to lift in another environment.
Jeremy's article is dead on for me today:
Backsquat set the tone when my spotters (who were a bit inexperienced) grabbed my bar far too early on my second attempt. I was a little stuck but definitely had the lift, if they'd given me another couple of seconds to fight. It was a somewhat demoralizing moment and took me out of my lifting head.
Unfortunately, the cloud stayed over me and my other lifts were also down. So, overall, today was "one of those days." It was tough, I must be honest, but I think I'll rest up a few days and give it another shot. I put in a lot of work that I believe made me stronger – today just wasn't the day to show it.
I am especially proud of Jeremy who lifted on par with what he was lifting a couple of years ago when he was at his strongest. It's been a struggle for him to get back there, but he's been on a great trajectory recently and will likely surpass those old PRs soon enough. I am looking forward to seeing him continue.
Other than the part where I misplaced my wallet, today was a great day at the total competition. I set PRs in all three lifts and had an all around great time lifting with and getting to know CFSBK folk. There was a really collegial atmosphere at the event even if we mocked the terrible terrible form that went along with some of the 600+ "deadlifts".
Started out my squats at 335. Went up and down pretty easily. So did 355. Then went to 375 and hit it with a nice yell at the end. This is somewhere around a 20-30 pound pr.
Started at 135 on the press. They were going up in 10 pound increments which I thought was crazy high but I'm glad they did because after hitting 145 on my second lift I was forced to go for 155. It took a bit of English bit it went up clean (press?). 5 pound pr.
Deadlifts they let us go for as many rounds a we wanted. Hit 325 on round one which came up nicely. As did 355. Went to 375 and pulled that one up with a struggle, which wa a 5 pound pr. Since I could go another round I figured I'd go to failure and pulled 385 up. Went for 405 and got about an inch off the ground before failing. Most impressive deadlifts were from a 103 pound guy pulling 365.
Total ended up at 905/915 if you count my 4th dl. Looking at my goals from yesterday I suppose I undershot.
Thanks to Margie and Jeremy for organizing and to Margie for encouraging me to go in the first place. Also thanks to those who drove and especially to Jim Ryan who did in fact have my wallet and brought it over to me. Quite a generous libertarian! (we got a bit political on the drive back ok).
Great day out at Hybrid today. I'll let everyone brag on their individual posts, but alot of PR's and a few gym records happened today.
Hybrid ran their total a little differently, they used a constantly ascending bar, like a weightlifting meet. That meant that you only had one chance to hit a given weight, you couldn't go down in weight following a miss, and you might have a very short rest period depending on how many people were between the lift you just attempted and your next attempt. In addition they only did 10lb jumps on Squat and Press and 20lb on DL. On the positive side they allowed some 4th attempts if you made all 3. Not ideal, but their house their rules.
Anyway as for myself:
Squat 365,395, 415F. 365 felt like an easy warm-up set. 395 felt little harder. My goal was 410 coming in to the meet, I had to choose between 405 and 415 and got a little greedy. Might have had the lift if I had the opportunity to rest more, only about 3 mins between the last 2 attempts.
Press 195, 205F The format sucked for me here, I'd have liked to start at 185 and jump to 200. But I decided to put up what I felt was a number I could live with in 195, and then reach for 205. Again a few more minutes of rest would have been great, but I'm not sure I would have gotten it.
DL 425, 465, 485, 505F. 425 was very easy, 465 only a little struggle, 485 went better than I had any reason to expect. 505 just wasn't in the cards. Haven't been training heavy enough on the DL yet.
All in all a total of 1075, just 5lbs off my best ever. Happy with the squat, 395 felt owned and I think 405 is very very reachable. Press was right where I thought it would be, and I'm happy that I'm getting my swing back on the Deads. 1100 is coming.
On Thursday I decided I would participate in the Hybrid Total despite my tender hamstring. I figured I at least I could try to PR my press which I've made good progress on in the last two months and I wanted to join in the fun of going to an event at another gym with a SBK team.
I warmed up the squat. I haven't put 2 plates on the bar in 11 days and it felt good. 255 however did not. Not terrible, but the hammy grabbed a little bit. I decided to open at 275 and see how that felt.
Squat/: 275, – , –
This is close to work set weight for me, but I didn't like how the hamstring felt and called it.
Press: 145, 155 (PR), 165(f)
My goal was 160 which wasn't allowed in the format. 10 pound jumps on the press? LAME.
DeadLift: 335, -, –
It felt good warming up and 315 was fine. I was hoping I could ride this and go for 375 and a new PR, but again, once it got heavy the hamstring barked and I called it a day.
I was really glad I participated, regardless of the outcome. It was cool to hang with the crew and get to know some of more folks a little better. Neat to lift in a foreign environment and meet a bunch of people from other gyms. Maybe next time I'll be able to actually compete and not just participate….
Squat: 340
Press: 165
Deads: 375
15 points less than my last total. I have no idea what happened on the deads. That's almost 50 lbs less than my PR.
Awesome experience today. It's just great to experience an event like that, quite an adrenaline rush.
385 back squat. 10 pound pr, and there is more in there.
185 press. 190 is last pr, and 10 pound to 195 failed with authority.
Deadlift. My nemesis. My unrequited love. 385, 5 pound pr, just to keep me off the ledge.
Two out of 3 prs, a he'll of a lot of fun, and when I dropped of Joel's wallet, I was right in front of a big butcher store. So now it's time to eat grass fed ribeyes. That's good karma right there!
Interesting Day with some frustration but a lot of takeaways–especially from Jeremy's article, Margie's post, and Dan's post.
First the lifts.
225, 235, 250(f)
115, 120f, 117
285, 310, 325 (f)
So I didnt hit any of my goals that I posted yesterday and that's a bit disappointing but I have to be realistic. last year when we totaled in August I was coming off a 5 day a week of programming for about a month. I've been in the gym a lot more lately but still am not in the best shape..
Margie's post was interesting because it highlighted for an event like this how important it is to keep your head in the game–and that sometimes it just is not your day. I woke up this morning ready to go but Tene also had a wedding to attend so we got our signals crossed and I missed 8am and ended up late for 930 too. Came in a little frustrated and instead of fueling my lifts it kind of threw me off. this first showed up in my squat warmup.
During my squat warmup I told Fox I wanted to open up at 240, when I started doing heavy singles in warmups I got to 225 and wasn't mentally prepared for the weight at all. Took for granted that I've done 225 many times before and didn't respect the weight like I should've. Went down and when I got stuck coming up I kinda freaked out and panicked. I ended up fighting to get it up with some weird stagger–but that fail kind of dictated my day.
After that I got 225 up easy for my 1st work set, 235 went easy, tried to hit 250 for the PR but didnt have it. Also pulled one of the small muscles in my upper back getting the rack set. Hopefully I can roll int out over the next couple of days. i get sharp pains in certain positions but can't replicate it.
Really need to work on this movement. In all my 2 years at CFSBK I think i've done less than 1.5 press cycles. Opened at 115, went up okay. Went to 120 and got stuck, Tried 117 and was able to get it up. This was about the same as last time.
I did some heavy deadlifts on Thursday to prep for this. Apparently I did too much because my hamstrings are a little sore still which didnt help today.
285 was easy, 310, was a little sloppy since I tried without switching grip. I got right to the top and it started slipping so had to rush back down. Noah told me I was soft–which Ive been noticing lately. When I hit 325 at the last Total. Jeremy gave me some great coaching and got me set before I pulled and that was 100% helpful and a huge reason I look forward to strength cycle. I tried 325 again but couldn't get it up. I felt lik emy position had me pulling more with my arms.
So the other big takeaway is just getting physically and mentally prepared. Seeing Dan R's routine was really helpful. I mean always spends a lot of time getting himself prepared for a day of working out and his tediousness and attention to detail are part of what makes him a great athlete. That's something I'm going to work on to get better.
I think I heard Malcolm say it first, but there was really great energy at the gym today. Great to take the 9:30 class and then help out with the 11am.
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 175×1, 200×1)
220, 230PR, 235f
-happy to have finally gotten past my 225 sticking point on this! I've definitely got 235+ in me.
(45×5, 65×3, 75×1)
85, 90, 92
-this matches a PR. should have gone to 95…next time.
(135×5, 185×2, 215×1, 235×1)
250, 260, 270PR
-this 10lb PR surprised me and left me stoked! I didn't think that deadlifts had been going well in the past cycle but apparently this shit works. And the weird thing is that 270 actually went up faster and felt easier than 260!
TOTAL: 592
-overall this is a 57# increase from our last total which I'm pretty happy about that. 600 should be cake next time. ๐
oh, and those standards at the Hybrid Challenge would have killed me. 10# jump on the press and 15# on the deads would've been unmanageable for me. Nice job to our Competitors!!!
were the 10-lb jumps the standard for women too?!
Well I wasn't planning on totaling today. I haven't been lifting that heavy lately and I was feeling pretty beaten up by some stuff earlier in the week, so I was just going to hang out and photograph the action.
Well the energy was so good in the gym that I talked myself into it by 11 am.
I knew there were no clear PR's based on what I have been lifting lately.
Squat 285, 305F, 300F. 310 is my old PR and I think I would have had the 305 if I had been lifting heavy. I think I just mentally did not have the ability to keep pushing even though the weight was really heavy.
Press my enemy. 110, 115, 120F. I was stuck at 115 for a long time and finally got up to 120 a while ago so it is really frustrating to be back at 115.
Deadlift is a funky one for me. With angry cat back I have pulled 360, but with decent form my max was 305. Today I pulled 305, 315, 325F. So with good form I would call the 315 a PR. It is a bit of a odd one because I have picked up more weight, but I think I shouldn't count the bad form lifts for PR's, so I am not tempted to do them in the future.
All in all a lot of fun even if my numbers overall were a lot lower than recent past totals.
Yep, the 10# jumps for the press/squats were standard for everybody, Michele. 20# for the DL but you could ask for just 10 if you wanted it. That was tough, as were the tight transitions between attempts. It all depended on how many other people were attempting that weight and where you were in the rotation.
I was glad to go up there with everybody, glad to compete and see what it's like, glad to Total. It was certainly not my finest day of lifting but so it goes.
Squat: 235, 245F, 245
Press: 95, 105F
DL: 295, 315, 335F
= 655
No PRs in any individual lifts, but that's a 10# PR for a Total. Victory enough.
This was my intro to CrossFit Total today… I love lifting heavy stuff!
BS: 145.170.180PR
Press: 75.80.85PR
DL: 250.250f.250
Total: 515
Back Squat: I severely underestimated my abilities in this regard. I couldn't find any old numbers in my records of what I had done previously and so I threw out a random number when Coach Fox asked me where I was opening. I really feel like I could have done another 20lbs, if not more. Taking a good inhale while in the low bar position was a bit awkward and I definitely need to slow it on the way down as Jess pointed out (thanks Jess!) I need to mediate that point between reaching deeper at the bottom, but still maintaining that elastic recoil. Must sit in squat for 10 min and open up hips.
Press: Another guessing game in regards to opening, but this time I was a bit more accurate. I definitely fought for that last one, but it wasn't too much. Felt like I leaned back a bit far, but was told I was doing ok in that regard.
Deadlift: I was definitely disappointed in this, my PR in March was 260. I feel really strong in my DL until I get up to that 250 area where all of a sudden it seems my form collapses like a house of cards. Getting really stuck on the minutia, focusing too tight on one thing and then losing control of another part of my form. I think I need to be a little more focused on the warmups and really make sure to hit the following points: 1) keep my head down, like Noah said, "tennis ball under the chin" (that really helped) 2) keep my knees out [in everything I do] 3)press my feet through the ground and keep my ass from rising to horizontal. I guess the major achievement is that my hands didn't tear at that weight. ๐
Overall I'm pretty happy with this week. I PR'd on the front squat on Wednesday hitting 165. This is my first month back full time into CF-land since about February. (My last consistent month in Los Angeles before the move.) Moving really screwed up my sleep and nutrition too, so I've been working on trying to regain my discipline in both of those areas as well. My food is almost back to where I want it to be, but my sleep has been horrible. The stress of school and the NYC humidity is really reeking havoc and I've rarely been clocking more than 6 hours/night. I feel I can expect a bit more out of myself in the months to come as I get those things reigned in. Immediate goals are getting double unders and working on my mobility.
Thanks to Coaches Fox, Noah, Jess and Laurel today for all the help.
Thanks to everyone else who is a part of CFSBK: you guys are a really awesome bunch of people and I've been very happy to meet and work out with you. It's been a lifesaver this last month and you've made me feel very welcome.
Too many minor injuries to total today.
At home:
3×10 hang squat cleans @ 115#s
1/2 Angie in 8:00
Great vibe in the gym today, Great 1st time running a CF Total. Lots of goodness at SBK.
Sarah la Rosa get my vote for best post, but…
PS – you DO NOT need to work 10 min a day on getting your hips to open.
All you Totalers have my respect! I'd love to try it myself after I've been doing this a little longer, so that I'm not still thinking about two of the three lifts, "Have I done that since Foundations?"
8 hot, sweaty miles in the park this morning, and to steal Michele's phrasing, 90 minutes AMRAP Argentine tango in the afternoon. I'm coming off a 6-month hiatus of dancing and it felt AMAZING to get back on the floor.
we have so many dancers at SBK (Dan Reshef, WTF?!)
my non dancing abilities and lack of rhythym negate ALL of the awesome dancers we have and will ever have at CFSBK
Dan is a good dancer, don't let him tell you otherwise.
Just sayin'…
Crossfit Total modified
Front squat
Warm up:
45×5 135×4 225×3
275×1 305x1F 300x1F
Note – I would of had those if I could get into proper form
One Arm Dumbbell Press
Warm up:
35×5 45×3 50×3
75x1F 75x1F 62x1KB
Suitcase Deadlift
Warm Up:
115×2 135×2
185×1 205×1 255×1