(E3/4) Sets Across
Post loads to comments.
compare to 6.21.10
Run 400m
then 3 Rounds NFT of:
10 Pull-ups
20 Walking Lunges
30 Double Unders
Brian D will be guest coaching tonight's 5pm, 6pm and 7pm classes.
Beat the Heat!
You've no doubt noticed that it's getting hotter in the gym as we creep deeper into our first summer at Degraw Street. This change of environmental conditions comes with some new responsibilities that we all need to be aware of. The two biggest risks when working out in high or humid temperatures are dehydration and heat stroke. Dehydration occurs when your body loses more water than it requires for normal functioning and heat stroke occurs when your body temperature rises faster than you can regulate. Both of these conditions are very serious and can lead to sickness and even death in extreme cases. That being said, you can do a few simple things to make sure you're safe while working out:
1. Hydrate! Drink cold water before, during and after you exercise. We have two water pitchers in the fridge for everyone to help themselves to. We encourage everyone to bring their own reusable water container but also have cups available if you forget yours or don't own one. Try to drink water at regular intervals, you want to be taking in more water than you're losing so don't wait until you're thirsty to start chugging.
2. Listen to your body If you're feeling lightheaded, dizzy, nauseous, begin to cramp or display anything resembling fever symptoms, it's time to stop, cool-down and hydrate. Sometimes during hard workouts we try to "push through the pain" but remember that putting yourself at risk in order to shave off an extra :15 seconds is both dangerous and contrary to why you're here in the first place. (to get fit!)
We also have ice in the freezer available in both cubes and cups that you can grab to eat, rub on your body (head,neck,chest, armpits..) put in your drinks or throw at Shane. Additionally, I've ordered two industrial fans which should come in later this week.
If you've got any questions don't hesitate to ask one of the coaches or post to comments.
power snatch doubles135x2145x2145x2145x2135x2
Also, Jenna…I would love if you did Beyond the white board…I still use it…I like it.
thanks dood
so is the current health theory that ice water is better than room temp for rehydration? i’ve always avoided ice because i can’t drink super cold water as fast. should i get over that?(my main lesson learned from running vol crews in louisiana in the summer is to be nervous if you start puking or stop sweating. just like my work gutting houses, because our workouts often lead to symptoms that are markers of heat exhaustion (elevated heart rate, sweating, nausea, dizziness), it’s hard to tell when you’re in trouble. but if you’re puking and can’t keep water down, you really need to cool down quick. we only had to call the ambulance for heat twice, but it’s scary.)
I ducked a workout last week that looked brutal, the deadlift/burpee thing. So David makes me do it Saturday. I love it. Walking like Mr. Roboto today. Domo Origato!
Nice to be back in the gym after a week away b/c of travel and illness. So this was my 2nd snatch exposure, and it feels as mysterious and elusive as ever, it turns out. Worked 78# for sets across.
I liked the warmup, too.
Finished up with a couple sets of 25 pushups and some strict pullups–one set of 3 unassisted, 2 sets of 10 w/ white band. Wrote that muscleup goal on the new Goals board, yay.
another great class with brian d.
WU400m row3 rnds nft10 pull ups20 lunges, 10 each leg30 double unders. did singles.
dromspvc lat stretches
POWER SNATCHdrills with bar65x3 95×3 95×3 115×3 115×3
felt better. pnf’ing the hamstrings helped. got to keep driving from the legs.
LOST: if anyone finds a ultimate ears headphones case, it’s mine. thanks.
Continued to work snatch with Brian who once again gave some good tools. Now I just need to practice. Yesterday, my last snatch was my best one. I wanted to keep going, but had to run.
Ive been keeping the weight light to really try to dial in technique. Stayed at 95 and 100 (for the last 2 sets).