Current Training Cycle Template
Training Cycle Dates: M 10/8/18 – Su 12/2/18
Goals: This cycle we’re dedicating a regular training day (Mondays) to heavy unilateral training, utilizing varied dumbbell and kettlebell complexes (mixed with bodyweight exercises) in which the aim will be to work up to a heavy load for the day. Wednesday’s barbell lift will be both the Back Squat and the Front Squat. The Olympic lifting focus will include complexes and isometrics with more time under tension, building on the positional strength developed last cycle. Saturdays will continue to be the “Monster Metcon Day,” on which longer and/or partner workouts will be programmed.
Dumbbell/Kettlebell Biased Strength/Stamina/Balance Training
Varied complexes with a focus on unilateral loading and bodyweight training.
Back Squat/Front Squat
Week 1: 2 x 8/1 x 8
Week 2: 2 x 5/1 x 5
Week 3: 2 x 3/1 x 3
Week 4: Box Squat – Heavy Triple
Week 5: 2 x 3/1 x 3
Week 6: 2 x 5/1 x 5
Week 7: 2 x 8/1 x 8
Week 8: Heavy Singles
Start the 2×8 Back Squat at the load you were able to complete for the 10RM from last cycle. Begin the Front Squat at a challenging load, but one that leave a rep or two in the tank.
Weeks 1-3: 2 x 5/1 x 5 Linear Progression
Week 4: Box Squat – Heavy Triple
Weeks 5-7: 2 x 5/1 x 5 Linear Progression
Week 8: Heavy Singles
Start your linear progression for the Back Squat/Front Squat light enough to add weight through 7 weeks, backing off a bit from where you finished the previous Back Squat cycle.
Clean and Jerk
Multiple rep sets and complexes
Monster Metcon Day
Partner/team and/or longer timeframe workouts
Multiple rep sets and complexes