Current Training Cycle Template
Training Cycle Dates: M 9/11/17 – Su 11/5/17
Test Week: M 11/6/17 – Su 11/12/17
Crush Week: M 11/13/17 – Su 11/19/17
Transition Week: Will be the first week of the following cycle, starting November 20th
Goals: Improve overhead stability and pushing strength, build lean mass through controlled tempo volume work on slow lifts, and add more regular pulling from the floor. We’ll use the Back Squat in regular lifting rotation but will see Front Squats coming off the floor in metcons. We’ll also see the continuation of “Crazy Metcon Saturdays” and regular bodybuilding-style work in cash outs and on NFT days. A metcon or NFT work will follow each day’s lifting segment.
Monday – Tempo Press (31X1) + Tempo Deadlift* (31X1) Superset
Warm up and then perform a set of Presses followed by a set of Deadlifts. Repeat for 3 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. Use a 31×1 tempo for both movements.
*Deadlift will alternate week to week between Sumo and Stiff-Legged.
Weeks 1-4: 3 x 8
Week 5: De-load 8RM
Weeks 6-8: 4 x 6
Wednesday – Tempo Back Squat (20X1)
Weeks 1-4: 3 x 8
Week 5: De-load 8RM
Weeks 6-8: 4 x 6
Thursday – Clean and Jerk
Complexes and EMOMs
Saturday – Metcon Funday!
Varied mixed-modal metcons of longer than our usual time domain, including partner workouts.
Sunday – Snatch
Complexes and EMOMs in addition to Overhead Squats and Snatch Balance exposures
Standardized Warm Ups
3 Rounds or 8 Minutes of either:
8e Dumbbell High Pull
8-12 Push-Ups
8e Russian Kettlebell Swings
12 Paused Wall Ball Shots or Dumbbell Thrusters (pause at bottom of squat)
8-12 Hard Ring Rows
12 Supine Leg Raises or 1:00 Prone Bridge