Workout of the Day
Weighted Strict Chin-up
Build to a heavy single
Take 12-15 minutes to build to a heavy weighted chin up. See below for a suggested warm up and structured plan, based on where you’re at today:
Advanced (I can do multiple bodyweight chin ups)
bodyweight x 3-5 reps
light weight x 2 reps
building in weight x 3-4 single rep attempts
Intermediate (I can do 1 bodyweight chin up)
paused ring row x 5 reps
paused banded chin up x 3-5 reps
bodyweight x 1 rep
building in weight x 3-4 single rep attempts
Beginner (I’m not sure!?)
paused ring row x 5 reps
paused banded chin up x 3-5 reps
chin up attempt x 1 rep
*If successful, keep repeating singles to accumulate good reps in time allowed
*If not, finish with chin up negatives x 2 reps x 3-4 sets
Foundations (Building upper body pulling strength foundation)
Foot assisted chin ups x 5 reps x 4-5 sets
Every 3 minutes x 5 rounds
10 Toes to Bar
10 DB Suitcase Box Step Overs
Max reps Burpees until 1:30
Intent for today is to work the efficiency of your toes to bar while under fatigue. If you’re more experienced, push to stay unbroken for all 5 rounds. If you’re dialing in your mechanics, break these up so you can be as consistent as possible for the entire workout. Advanced athletes with sets of more than 10 unbroken under fatigue can scale up (12-16 reps).
Goal is to have 20-30 seconds to bang out some burpees. Scale the volume of work and/or DB loading as needed to achieve the stimulus.
TTB Scaling:
A. 5-8 full range of motion
B. 10 partial ROM
C. 15-20 sec hanging knee tuck hold
D. 10 sit ups
Box Scaling:
Height: 24/20/16″
Weight: 50/35/20# each hand
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/8)
Coaches Avery and Whitney discussing the new cycle a few weeks ago
New Cycle Template!
Dates: MONDAY 7/8/24 – SUNDAY 9/1/24
Key Events: Saturday 7/20: RAD Event! Stay tuned for details.
In this cycle, co-written by Coach Avery and Coach Whit, we’ll see three days with strength training progressions, two days of variance, a floater day, and Mythic strength. Thursday will still be a dedicated Olympic lifting day, which will alternate between focusing on the Clean and the Snatch. This cycle we will utilize a wave loading progression to improve consistency with executing these lifts.
Use these two months as a way to continue to build your strength and power, as well as improve your technique on some of the “faster” lifts. Metcons and assistance work will round things out and provide the CrossFit variance we know and love. Don’t worry… there will be plenty of single leg, upper body, and skill work peppered in throughout the cycle!
Monday: Vertical Pull/Single Leg
Tuesday: Monostructural/Bench Press
Wednesday: Varied
Thursday: Olympic Lifts/Strength Accessory
Friday: Floater Strength
Saturday: Varied
Sunday: Mythic Strength
Mondays / Vertical Pull + Single Leg
This day involves low volume, high intensity work on chin ups. Intermediate and advanced athletes will accumulate weighted reps, while those looking for their first (or a few more!) at bodyweight will have a specific progression to follow. We’ll also incorporate a single leg squat pattern (lunges, step ups, pistols, etc.) in varied ways.
Tuesdays / Monostructural + Bench Press
WK 1: Test 2k Row
WKs 2-7: Monostructural workouts and Bench Press variation
WK 8: Retest 2k Row
We will start off the cycle with a 2k row test to establish a baseline. Each week there will be opportunities to focus on improving row technique and pacing in varied monostructural workouts. Most weeks of the cycle, we will pair the monostructural work with some horizontal pressing (bench press) to balance out the day.
Thursdays / Olympic Lifting + Strength Accessory
WK 1, 3, 5, 7: Clean Waves and Clean Deadlifts
WK 2, 4, 6, 8: Snatch Waves and Back Squats
This cycle we are introducing the concept of wave training to our Olympic lifting.
Wave training is the practice of building up in weight, then back down, and back up again, for multiple “waves”. Ideally your technique should be very consistent – from the empty bar to your heaviest reps. Check out the programming notes in Week 1 to learn more about this method!
We will incorporate strength accessory work (clean deadlifts and back squats) into the olympic lifting day to round out the workout.
Fridays / Floater Strength
You know it, you love it. This cycle will continue with Friday as a “Floater” strength day, where athletes will have 3-4 options to incorporate strength work they might otherwise miss on other days of the week.
Sundays/ Mythic Strength
Mythic Strength is a strongman and old school lifting inspired strength performance class for conjuring muscle, amplifying power, and moving well. Carry, drag & hoist odd objects, move heavy loads dynamically, and learn fun new skills. Lift like a legend. Get mythically strong.
This cycle of Mythic Strength will bias hinging, carrying, and overhead pressing.