Partner WOD
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time, complete the following for time:
50 Handstand Push-Ups
100 Pull-Ups
150 Deadlifts 135/95
200 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
You should be able to perform sets of at least 5 on everything when fresh. Scale accordingly.
Scaling options are:
- Handstand Push-Ups: 1-2 AbMats, Box Piked, Floor Piked, or Push-Ups
- Pull-Ups: Jumping Pull-Ups, Ring Rows
- Deadlifts: Load
- Wall Balls: Load and/or Target Height
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
Next week on The Snatchelorettes, find out if Bjorn said yes… | Photo by Thomas H.
Today: CRASH-B Technique Clinic
Do you hate and fear workouts that involve rowing? Do you secretly love them but don’t want to admit it? Join Coach Nick‘s CFSBK CRASH-Beasts and train for the World Indoor Rowing Championship! The first technique clinic is today at 4pm, and there’s still time to sign up. See the event page for details.
Weekend Schedule
We’re hosting the CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Seminar this weekend, which means we’ll have to cancel a few classes. On Saturday, November 11th the following classes are cancelled: 8am group class, 9am group class, and AG Strength. On Sunday, November 12th, these classes are cancelled: 8am group class, 10am CrossFit Preschool, 11am CrossFit Kids, 11am Active Recovery.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Dutch Gymnast Manages to Catch High Bar Release with One Hand Deadspin
The Grim Food Served on 17th-Century Sea Voyages Wasn’t All Bad Atlas Obscura
Ariel says
Shout out to Brett and Whit for somehow keeping an enormous short circuit class running so smoothly! Unbelievable. You guys are good.
Stella says
Srsly. Bowing down.
Sarah Costigan says
Walked into literally, the biggest short circuit ever!! That was awesome!
Partner Metcon wth Katie E.
We split everything up perfectly. I️ think we ended up doing more pull-ups though. We’re both working on our butterfly pull-ups so it was a lot of jumping up and down and attempting to maintain. Shout out to katie for rocking them though…and to DO for helping us figure them out a little bit better.
I love saturday workouts! Partner stuff is much more intense! Really
Makes you work hard!
Kate tk says
11am w/Whit and Ro!
WOD: 21something w/Allie B
I scaled to box piked HSPUs (24”), jumping pull-ups(20” box/high bar), RX deadlifts and wall balls. HSPUs were hard, pull-ups were a little too high (missed a couple!) but good to practice pulling, everything else OK! Always fun to partner with Allie 🙂
KLove says
Parnter WOD with Carissa in 23:26 I think.
HSPUs: Sets of 5. I kipped to two ab mats. Probably can do one but still nervous about coming down too hard on my neck because I think that was the source of my wrist and shoulder problems and both have been feeling great! Maybe will put my hands on plates next time.
Pullups: I did 8s and Carissa did 5s. I went unbroken on all of them but had to pause to reset my kip a few times.
DLs: We did sets of 10 and 15. I forgot how to move quickly. I only know how to do tempo movements now. That happened to me in FGB too.
WBs: I did sets of 10, with a couple sets of 15 sprinkled in and Carissa did sets of 20. Happy she took on the brunt of this because I haven’t done this type of volume on WBs since I hurt my knee.
Made up AGS afterwards with Griselle. Basically spent half my day at the gym and I’m ok with it:)
Daniel R says
Saturday metcon at 10am
26min-ish Rx. Partnered with Lauro. Pull-ups were the sneaky bit of this workout. I thought I’d do sets of five with no problems, but ended up struggling in the last 2 or 3 sets (3/2 or 2/2/1). Everything else was fine, and was getting the right amount of rest to just keep going.
Then 11am AR with David for all the good feelz…
Roose says
I’ve been going to Crossfit Primal Ape during my stay in Manila. I’ve been taking it a bit easy the last 2 weeks so this was my first serious class since I’ve been here.
3 RFT (30 min time cap):
800m Run
30 DB Squat Cleans
30 Burpees
Scaled to 40# DBs for the squat cleans. Made it up to round 3 and 1 squat clean before the time cap. Started out with sets of 10 for the first round then dropped it to sets of 5.
This was incredibly tough. It didn’t help that it felt like 100 degrees during the day. However, I still enjoyed this workout.