“No, you take the medicine ball!” Lots of great photos from the recent Squad WOD event at CFSBK can be found here | Photo courtesy of Heidi Jones
Friday Night Lights: The Gauntlet
This Friday evening, we’ll once again host a battle of CFSBK’s best during a Gauntlet-Style Friday Night Lights event. There will be two heats, 7:00pm and 7:30pm during which 2 designated competitors from each of our intramural teams will throw down against each other in an epic battle of strength and conditioning.
This will be our 5th and final FNL event. If you haven’t been to one yet, you’re missing out! Here are some photos from 17.3 and 17.4. Spectators are encouraged to stop by CFSBK on Friday evening to support your teammates and cheers their successes (BYOB)!
Team Captains!
Please designate one male and one female competitor to represent your team at The Gauntlet. Email cfsbk.intramural.league [at] gmail.com by FRIDAY, MARCH 10th at 12pm with your selected competitor’s names and prefered heat time (7pm or 7:30pm).
Also, we need judges! If you are interested in volunteering to judge one of our FNL heats, please email cfsbk.intramural.league [at] gmail.com and indicate which heat 7:00pm, 7:30pm (or both) that you are available to judge.
News and Notes
- Open Intramural Team captains: Please submit your team’s scores to the spreadsheet by noon today!
- We are now offering another Diapers & Dumbbells class on Fridays at 11am! See the program page for more details.
- Our latest lost and found dump can be found on our Flickr account. We’re now including abandoned water bottles in the photo, so please take a look and see if any look familiar! Water bottles will now be given out after a week. All other items must be claimed within a month, after which we’ll donate them to CHIPS. Come get your stuff, gang!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Press | KB Swings, Double-Unders
Fueling for CrossFit Competition 101 CrossFit NYC
Earth Is A Prison Kurzgesagt
Wednesday's Programming
Front Squat
Work up to a heavy single.
Work up to a heavy triple.
Post loads to comments.
Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Capacity Test
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Rest 2 minutes, then…
3 minutes max calories rowed
Score rounds and reps + calories rowed.
Ring Muscle Up Practice
6 Rounds total with a partner:
400m run/row
20 alternating goblet reverse lunges 53/35
12 burpees
Missing AG tonight is painful. :*|
6am with McDowell
FSQ with Roy 225×1, 245×1, 255×1, 265×1
All reps felt nice and light
WOD: 10 Rounds + 12 reps || 63 cal
I wasn't here in January but in December I got through 22R+
The erg was brutal. This felt way worse than Saturday's Open workout
hi blog posters/lurkers! are there any pull-up hopefuls who want to work on a pull up program before/after classes with me? everything is better with a buddy.
My schedule wouldn't allow for AG Strength after all, but Ro gave me a pull up template to follow (thanks, Ro!!!) and I was going to get started today before 6:30 group class…let me know! katetkacik[at]gmail
8am w/McD
FSQ up to 170×3
Harder better faster stronger:
8 rounds + 3, 67 cals. Compare to 7+20 and 65 3 months ago.
I love this workout.
FSQ: Worked up to 198# for a single (90kg). Sets going up a little fuzzy from working in kilos. Happy to get relatively close to 1RM territory (205#).
WOD: 7 rounds + 23, 59 calorie row
15 rep improvement on the 1/2 Cindy and a 5 calorie improvement on the row. Pull ups felt good, push ups disappeared faster than I would have liked. Row had me hurting for the next 15 minutes.
Love Melody's face in that photo!
7 AM, Lady Fox edition:
Worked to 175×3 on front squat. I wanted the volume for sure. Last set was a grind.
WOD: 7 rounds + 5 pullups, 50 cals. Can't directly compare this with January, since I made a deliberate choice to do something different — in January I did strict chins, but this time I wanted to treat this as kipping pullup practice/a check-in to gauge the likelihood of my doing Murph Rx in a couple of months. It went pretty well! I'm no kipping pullup goddess but I wasn't flailing around the bar as I often do, either.
I did get more reps in each portion of the workout today than I did in January, for whatever that's worth. I guess kipping pullups don't go away on me quite as fast as strict chinups.
6am with Lady Fox doing Monday
Press: 95×3, 135, 145, 150(F,F)
WOD: 10 something with 10-15 DU attempts per round. kb swings unbroken. Really have to learn me some DU.
Make up post:
3/18 – Open WOD 17.4 – 172 rx'd. Felt beat up after doing similar workout on Tuesday afternoon, so everything felt sluggish. Got off rower at 9:30 (vs 7:45 on tuesday) and slowly knocked out 7 hspus. Might have been able to get more, but was afraid of failing 1 and losing them.
Bob Semmens: if you're willing, please do Friday Night Lights or invite us to cheer you for 17.5!!!!
7:30 with Brett
Press: worked up to 80 for 1. Which his 1 lb off my pr. Attempted 82 and failed.
Wod rx in 8:20. My last 3 dubs took surprisingly long.
Shoulders were smoked!
Sled pulls …. 🙁
I found some pull up pals and we are gonna get after it!!
6:30 doing Monday with Whit
Press: 45×5, 55×5, 65×3, 70×3, 75×3, 55×5. Good!
WOD: 9:42 with 16kg bell and 20 du attempts each round. KBs all unbroken and more DU attempts made than missed. Also good!