Clean and Jerk
The Shankle Complex:
1 Clean Deadlift + 3 Clean Pulls + 1 Hang Clean + 2 Jerks
Start at about 50% and work up to a heavy load on the complex. Focus on keeping your weight balanced toward the heels on the Deadlift and extending vertically on the pulls.
5 attempts at a heavy load on the following complex:
Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean + Push Press or Jerk
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks 135/95
The Cleans for this benchmark workout should be Power Cleans and the Jerks can be done using any shoulder-to-overhead technique. Be sure to come to complete knee and hip extension with the bar held overhead at the top of each rep. If you can do the Rx’d loads, then go for it! If scaling, choose a weight that allows you to get through the 30 reps fast. You can cycle or you can do single,s but the weight should be on the light side for you.
Throwback Thursday: CFSBK Events Planner Danae M. at Murph Day 2014
- Schedule Change: This morning’s 9am Yoga class with Jaclyn K. is cancelled.
Save the Date! Murph Day 2016
For time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor.” From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.
Partition the Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, and Squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
There is no charge for the workout, nor will it be deducted from your weekly class limit.
Sign up information will be up on the blog soon!
YouTube Bodybuilders Rich Piana and Dmitry Klokov Can Teach You How To Live Deadspin
Report: 750,000 Americans Die Each Year During First Attempt To Get Back in Shape
6am with Jess and JB
Worked up to 90kg on the complex with Michael. Felt pretty good, but a little stiff from yesterday's squats. Jerks went well.
Grace in 2:03 – happy because this is a big PR. Really wanted sub-2 though.
Worked up to 165# on the perf complex. There was more room there for sure, just ran out of time.
Grace Rx'd in 3:21. A big PR for me. Did these as quick-ish bailed singles the whole way.
Shankle Complex: 83, 103, 113, 123, 128. Re-racking cleans jerks in never fun, so didn't want to go too heavy.
Grace: 2:56 Rx. Had a goal of three minutes walking into the gym in the morning. Third place leaderboard time of 2:55 gave me some extra motivation. Slow press out on my last jerk, just couldn't make it happen. One second over hurts, but really happy with this time.
6am with Jess and JB
Shankle Complex (in kilos)
Grace: 2:53 Rx. Had never done this before so I wasn't really sure what to expect. Did the first 10 as Touch & Go 6/4. The rest were singles with a relatively quick reset. In hindsight I should have tried to bite off another 5 as touch & go. Maybe 7/5/3 to start before switching to singles.
I remember those blisters. So bad. As far as your missing pinky, watermelon girl behind you looks pretty suspish.
Actually, as I was putting that time into myWOD, I discovered it was not my first time doing Grace. I had a time of 4:01 from January 2014, so big PR there.
OMG! I'm debating on whether or not to do Murph. I've never done it before and doubt that I can do the full version of this workout as my "Gymnasty" skills are MIA…lol. What to do…what to do?
7am with Jess and JB
Rusty Shankle-ford Complex (< Internet high-five to whoever gets that) – 135#
This was fun. Kept it light. Pull work really helped keep me vertical on my jerks.
Metcon @ 125# – 5:43
The only Grace-ish workout I have in my logs was a sandwich deal with runs at 95#, so happy with the weight bump. Wanted to Rx, but my push jerks were feeling uncoordinated warming up. Big ups to Chas for Rxing it.
6am with Jess and JB
Shankle Complex (in kilos)
40, 50, 60, 70, 80
Could've gone heavier, but wanted to save energy for grace.
Grace: 2:42 Rx. I believe this is a PR for me, but haven't checked logs. Did 7 as touch and go, then fast singles. Grabbed a few reps with hands quite off center and the weight was sliding around (consider 2 clips).
After waking up to yet another gray day with the beginnings of a cold and a lot of work ahead of me, I bit the bullet and hauled myself in to 7 a.m. w/Jess & JB. Very glad I did. Therapeutic for mind and body, this stuff!
Shankle Complex: up to 135#. Stayed light and focused on mechanics. My jerks looked a lot better by the end, which helped me get ready for…
Grace: 6:00 Rx'ed. Slow and steady, 4 sets of 5 and 1 set of 10. Generally good form until the end, when my elbows started slowing down a bit and my push jerks got a little wobbly. First time with it after a few workouts w/similar programming. Glad to have a benchmark and plenty of room to improve! Much thanks to Brendan for keeping me honest and on it.
Latasha, I did 3/4 Murph with ring rows last year for my first time through the workout… it's still plenty brutal, but felt like a great introduction! Hoping against hope to have enough of a kip this year to try it Rx'ed… put me in a slow heat, please, and keep me away from the grill until I'm done.
@Josh – solid click bait title. Love it.
730 last night w/ Melo and Ro
BS : #225 10 x 3 … Felt better than last week at the same weight but still a struggle for the last 2-3 reps.
5 RNFT : 3-4 Bar MU / 15 cal row
Alot of people in class so space was at a premium. BMU started off with singles up to 5. Eventually got to string all 5 together by the 5th round. On the rows I only kept track of the time it took to get to 15 cals : fastest was 31 seconds and the slowest 39. I do not like rowing.
@ Latasha- DO IT!!! I want to say at LEAST half of the people signing up will be scaling one way or another. You can do ring rows, knee push-ups (I even did sit-ups one year instead of push-ups) and scale volume- 1/2 Murph or 3/4 or 1/4- the options are endless!! And whatever way you scale, it is one heck of a workout. It's also one of the best days of the year at CFSBK and you don't want to miss it.
Does anyone know of places that accept donations of sheet music? I have lots of mostly classical sheet music for flute and violin from elementary to advanced level. Brooklyn Conservatory does not accept them. Ideally I'd like to donate them to a school or non-profit. Thanks.
Charlie — OOH! Situps instead of pushups! I was going to sadly write off Murph again this year but I think I can do it if I do strict chinups and do situps instead of pushups. It's going to hurt to laugh for DAYS but you have just figured out how I can do the thing.
Thanks Charlie! I'll most likely end up doing it…even if I have to do it scaled.
4:30 class
Shankle Complex
So just a little more than 50% of Donny's best at 440…Worst part by far is re racking for the 2nd jerk.
Not a PR. Heart, head and body were not in it today. Dan Bailey is crazy.
6:30– no AR. Trying to have a social life and not spend all my free time at the gym is rough. Esp on my mobility!!
Shankle complex 63-83-93-98 (failed second jerk)
Grace: 73# 4:12
Klove was an awesome partner and beat her time by 2:45!!! RXd!! Was trying to catch Natalie (3:35)- obv didn't happen.
Lastly, the 6am crew are MONSTERS! I need their magic!! Bye!!
7:30pm with Noah and Nick
Shankle Complex
3:01 Rx
Cycled 5-5-3 then singles after that. Had to stop to push the plates in at the 25th rep which cost me sub 3 but I was aiming for sub 4 so I'm pretty happy lolol!
My lungs hurt.
Charleigh = when Kayleigh + Charlie both kick ass in a workout!!!!
7:30 with Nick and Noah
Worked up to 98 on the jerk. Mostly push jerks, 2 or so split jerks
Grace RXd in ……6:26. So bad. This is a very challenging weight for me and was really hard but I wanted a benchmark time. Something to work on!
4:30pm class
Shankle complex:
103, 113, 123, 133, 143, 153 (failed 2nd jerk by pushing it way out in front)
-not a huge fan of this complex. Felt like I couldn't get the bar in the right spot for the jerks and I absolutely hated reracking for the 2nd.
2:37 rx'd (:22 PR)
-did this in sets of 5 until 19/20 (had a slip at 19 where the bar bounced and broke a nail #girlproblems) then did 2 followed by 8 singles. I could only move faster if I didn't like my life. Big thanks to Charlie who kept me on point and was counting. I started losing count at 10.
@Latasha, I second everything Charlie said!!! Do it!
@Kayleigh, you are incredible. You'll get it next time!!
The Shankle Complex: 63-83-93-103-113-118 (stood for too long with the bar in my front rack and tired out my shoulders. Did a half ass attempt at a split jerk, re-racked then decided I was too tired so dropped the bar)-118 (make)
Grace in 4:07 Rx
All singles. Weight felt fine it was all about my breathing. Goal was under 6:00 so I'm super happy! Allie is the best motivator! Allie pointed out that I didn't set up my cleans properly which is feedback I've gotten from coaches in the past when doing high volume cleans. Need to pay more attention to that next time.
Hi Joy! I just started learning to play the violin. If you're willing to part with some of the elementary level sheet music, I'd be happy to take it off your hands.