Front Squat: 3-3-3-3-3
Establish a new 3 Rep Max.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
3 Rounds of,
6 Russian Kettlebell Swings 72/53
3 Push-Ups
3 Rounds of,
12 Russian Kettlebell Swings
6 Push-Ups
3 Rounds of,
18 Russian Kettlebell Swings
9 Push-Ups
Etc., adding 6 kettlebell swings and 3 push-ups every 3 rounds.
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Open Workout 15.4
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
3 handstand push-ups
3 cleans 185/125
6 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
9 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
12 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
15 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
18 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
21 handstand push-ups
9 cleans
Etc., adding 3 reps to the handstand push-up each round, and 3 reps to the clean every 3 rounds.
Post reps to comments.
SCALED Open Workout 15.4
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
10 Push Press 95/65
10 Cleans 117/75
Post reps to comments.
Coach David warming up his snatch last Saturday
News and Notes
- Come watch CFSBK’s Competition Team take on 15.4! Our gym’s strongest will be tackling the latest Open WOD this afternoon. They’ll start warming up around 2:15 and the first heat is at 2:45pm. Come cheer them on!
- Feeling sore or tight from all your PRs this week? Check out Yoga for Athletes at 10am or Active Recovery at 11am or noon today!
- Kids Club is canceled tomorrow (3/22), and will resume on March 29th. Email Janelle [at] with any questions.
- DON’T FORGET TO RSVP TO CLASS: Click on the Class Schedule and RSVP tab in the left-hand column (under General Information) and select the class for which you’d like to RSVP.
Pre-Teen Girls Shredding Metallica’s “Enter Sandman”
39 People Doing Passive-Aggressive Way Better Than You Distractify
Timber Creek High’s Savannah Braud is SI’s March H.S. Athlete of the Month Sports Illustrated
Those girls playing "Enter Sandman" is awesome. My daughters and I watched that video twice in a row this morning.
15.4 Rx'ed: 36 reps
I had at least 4 no-reps on otherwise-good HSPUs, mostly in the first set, because of unconsciously pointing my toes. I think I would have easily finished the round of 12 if I had been flexing my foot the whole time.
As for the cleans, while 185 is pretty close to my 205-lb clean PR, they moved pretty well throughout.
8am with Mel and David
15.4 Scaled: 54 reps
Started off strong and went unbroken rather quickly with the push presses. Went for touch and go the first five, and then reverted to singles. Kept unbroken with the push presses until the fourth round where I broke them up. The cleans on round three started getting tough, and in round four they were starting to look ugly. I wish I had the presence and awareness to slow down and catch my form. Thanks to Joy for the great coaching.
130 is my PR so moving weight at 115 got me pretty fatigued. I had a couple of failures on round four and five. I couldn't get underneath the bar. Disappointed. The open is bittersweet.
DU Practice
My single unders are improving, and I was able to string together 5 DUs together. That's a new PR. Progress!
9am with Melo and David
15.4Rxd -31 reps
Hitting the chalk target wasn't an issue for me. The bigger issue was coming off the wall too far on the kip and not getting my heels back to the wall.
Good workout but kind of anticlimactic. I think we are in for something special next week with 15.5. Predicting a long long chipper.
I liked 15.4, the hspu's were the limiter for me. Hit 52 reps.
Broke up the hspu's after the round of 6 into 4 and 3 when needed. By the time I had to do 15 I was doing ones and twos my shoulders were toast!
The cleans were the perfect weight for me. Quick singles through the whole thing.
I think 15.5 is going to be a longer piece too. Chipper is sounding pretty spot on but we'll see!
11 reps rx'd on 15.4. ive never done hspus in a workout before and have probably only done 5 strict in my whole life so kipping was exciting. I did 2 in a row to start and was shoked then took a long ass time to do the rest. this is my first open and there are a lot of firsts and its all very exciting.
Attempted 15.4 Rx, but wasn't able to get a HSPU. I got two kipping singles last night with one ab mat when I practiced at home but I wasn't even close today without ab mat! JB gave great feedback after each attempt so I think I will be able to do them once I build up more strength. Glad I tried though because I learned how to kip them! Will work in a couple sets of strict each week at home.
15.4 Scaled 112 reps
I took a break every 5 reps from the start, then towards the end, did 3s,2s or singles on the cleans. Some of my breaks were longer than I had planned, but am happy with my score considering I was sick with a cold all week and had just attempted the Rx version. Thanks for letting me do it scaled today so I can clean and deadlift tomorrow!
11am group class for me today with McD and Whitney.
Normally I can't make it in until the 1pm class but I have to say I am glad I made the effort to get there earlier today as the class was nice and small.
15.4 scaled- 120 reps.
I did better with pacing myself today than last week. So evidently I default to muscle cleans when I am tired and under pressure. Kinda embarrassing but I got the reps in.
I was allowed to join the 12pm class for front squats- thank you Coaches!!
45 x 5
95 x 4
135 x 2
150 x 1
160 x 3
170 x 3 (PR)
Left it there. I have been working on pause front squats and it has really helped with my position at the bottom. Still far from perfect, but getting better all of the time.
I also got to see Lauren S and Mary RXing 15.4 which was so amazingly inspiring and awesome. Great job ladies!!
Came back to watch the Comp Kids do 15.4. I love watching these guys!! I think maybe I might try to get a HSPU if I have a chance over the next couple of days, because… osmosis?
Just watched the first leaderboard video for 15.4, and it looks like Shanna Duvall (Southwest Region) is wearing a CFSBK t-shirt at the beginning.
I hit 87 reps scaled. I paced myself well for me, which meant switching from touch-and-go to quick singles with bails starting in the 2nd round of cleans; kept sets of 5 in the push press starting in the 2nd round until almost the end. Thanks to great support as always from Carissa.
KLove: great to see you try Rx, regroup, and then blow through the reps scaled. Congrats also to Lauren S. who PR'd her clean 6 times today in the Rx version. And, Kate R., happy late birthday – missed doing 15.4 with you this week!
Also- forgot to post yesterday's work.
10 mins DU practice.
Bench Press
45 x 5
70 x 4
90 x 3
100 x 1
110 x 6 x 6
Felt great.:)
Oh HAPPY DAY! Got to work with Ro today. Happy to see him working through his recovery with a positive attitude!
#65 #75 #85 #90 #95
DB Row 8-8-8-8-8
#30 #35 #35 #35
10 min AMRAP
50m farmers carry – 2 Red KB
10 sit-ups
12rounds? Kinda stopped counting
10 min AMRAP
2 DB Press #30
4 burpees
8 GHD hip extension
9 or 10 Rounds? GHD always makes me dizzy and I got lost on the counting
Cash out: Dinosaur BBQ w/ Tall Broad Squad…and Nick 🙂
12:00 with Whit and JB
15.04 scaled
I wasn't sure if I could do push press 65# x 10, but I did, so everything beyond that felt like a bonus – a painful bonus! 33 reps.
I got to see Kristin kill it, flying through push presses at lighting speed, speed, so strong, also caught a glimpse of Asha attacking and owning the push presses! Very cool to see Lauren and Mary Rx'ing the cleans. Powerful ladies.
15.4: 53 reps
That was a rough one! the HSPUs were definitely a lot tougher with the new standards. Had to really focus on staying tight in the middle and controlling the kip…Which unfortunately took a lot more energy than my old sloppy ones. Got no-repped on 3, which wasn't terrible. I'm really happy with this score, simply because I don't think I could have done another rep. I was smoked right by the end, so I feel like I paced it well. MeLo you're my hero! Good to see you back at the gym today Ro, weve missed you!
Snatch, 90%x1x4
*No misses here. Consistency is king in the snatch*
CJ, 84%x1x4
Clean Pulls,
54 reps, rx'd with a tiebreaker time of 2:30
-first 3 cleans touch and go but then did singles the rest of way.
-first 3, 6 hspu's unbroken then set out with 3's for the 9 round. Wanted to come back to the wall with 3's for the 12 round but after getting no repped, doubles seemed like the better option. Still finished with about 5-7 total no reps. A couple where I didn't get my heels over the line (much harder standard!), a couple where I was falling off and a couple where my triceps just failed me.
-really enjoyed this WOD! Scared as to what 15.5 has in store.
Yesterday's Comp class:
3 position snatch work (High Hang, Knee, Deck)
-worked up to a 40kg but failed on the one from the deck. Just didn't have a lot of energy and was still VERY sore from Wednesday's partner wod.
15.4 prep and test:
Did the first 3 rounds as a test and finished in 2:30. Exactly the same as today, so I guess I'm consistent. 🙂
Again, happy to be moving and feeling *almost back to normal after being so ridiculously sore.
Open Gym Friday
Snatches felt great. Just smooth and solid. I wonder if it had something to do with the Comp Team’s pre-snatch extended warm-up which I did upon the advice of McDowell.
Comfortably moved from triples to doubles through my snatch warm-ups.
40 kilos (90%) – easy
42 kilos (92%) – easy
44 kilos (98%) – kinda tore it off the floor and it came out in front and I gave up ..
But all in all, this felt great considering how beat up I felt coming in. Had to go, would definitely have been down to do more.
Bro-ga this morning with Whitney
This was just what I was looking for today. The emphasis on shoulders was perfect. Whitney explains everything in such a clear, relevant way and each exercise today highlighted something beneficial and new to me. Thanks Whit!
I love yoga and AR and this was a great combination. It’s obvious why all her regulars dig it.
Glad to hear Arturo is back in the gym. Hope your recovery is going well Arturo.